
  • In much of the West, pumping water to keep alfalfa growing in the desert through the hot season is an extremely wasteful endeavor.  Kate Galbraith writes about an energy conservation initiative in Idaho that pays irrigators to turn off the pumps during peak demand. Saving Energy by Managing Irrigation New York Times blog Doing more…

  • Energy development on public lands impact wildlife habitat.  Wind developers are finding that the potential ESA listing of sage grouse is likely to significantly impact attempts to develop wind farms on public lands, especially in Wyoming : Gov’s office disputes grouse impact – Casper Star-Tribune A decision to block wind energy development from key sage…

  • Like so many other developments in what was  “sagebrush sea,” wind power impacts sage grouse- I think that to the energy industry and many folks, including most Western politicians, the non-forested open spaces are just empty space where they could put “stuff.” The declining presence of sage grouse, and no doubt other wildlife in the…

  • $1.4 million dollar fine and retribution to be paid- $9.1 million will be paid to retrofit power poles. Over 200 eagles died and many other raptors. PacifiCorp Settles In Bird Electrocutions. By Mead Gruver. Associated Press Writer Exxon-Mobil was involved too. Earlier story. Companies charged in bird deaths. By Tom Morton. Casper Star Tribune.

  • Suit says the corridors, which were drawn up in Bush Administration,were designed to move fossil fuel electricity, not renewable derived electricity- Conflict over electricity production and transmission has a number of sides, e.g., renewable versus fossil fuel, centralized versus distributed, private land versus public, and more. This lawsuit is over the first in the list.…

  • Finally some international pressure on the coal pit/coalbed methane proposals just northwest of Glacier (and Waterton) National Parks- United Nations Will Study Threats to Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. By Dan Testa, Flathead Beacon (in New West)

  • A lot of ecologically important land is going to be put under the bulldozer with this. Secretary Salazar, Senator Reid Announce ‘Fast-Track’ Initiatives for Solar Energy Development on Western Lands – Department of Interior News Release 6/29/09 And some comment : Interior fast-tracks Big Solar on public lands – Chris Clarke, The Clade Note the phrasing: “rapid…

  • New controls complete after more than 60,000 air quality violations- New controls. Farmington (NM) Daily Times. This has long been a major polluter of the air and water of the 4-Corners country of the southwest.

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