
  • It’s good to see the sucker finally dead! Ely coal-fired power plant plan withdrawn. AP  in the Reno Gazette Journal.

  • In 2006, Congress banned leasing federal lands on the Front, but many leases had already been given- The effort to protect Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front from natural gas development has been and continues to be pretty successful. These oil, gas leases along the Front were the work of two NGOs, The Coalition to Protect the…

  • Most geothermal developments use natural hot spring areas, but a new method may have great promise and danger- Geothermal energy is regarded as a quasi renewable energy source because it does not use fossil fuels, uses the natural heat of the earth, and can be turned into clean electricity or for lower temperature sources for…

  • No need for much Renewable Energy development on Our Public Lands In early April, we discussed planned massive solar development projects on public lands underway in Southern California with Basin & Range Watch‘s splendid native plant & wildflower photo essay Last Spring at Ivanpah.  The essay bloomed across environmental listserves everywhere and, combined with many…

  • Salazar’s concession to Utah’s Senator Bennett to allow Hayes to be confirmed number two at Interior doesn’t turn out like the Senator wanted- Enviros cheer, critics jeer report on ‘flawed’ oil leases. Bishop » Utah congressman calls it “crap,” Bennett is conciliatory. By Thomas Burr. The Salt Lake Tribune. From my perspective this dust-up turned…

  • The headline should read “corn ethanol,” not biofuel- Despite the past, and continuing subsidies, ethanol made from corn produces little net energy and a lot of political conflict as it consumes a quarter of the country’s corn crop. Advanced biofuels might hold promise, especially those using bacteria to directly produce ethanol or other low carbon…

  • Ben Otto, a member of our ‘Ralph Maughan’s Wildlife News’ community, and a fellow rabble-rouser/live-wire (we gotsta stick together), has recently started his own blog about Public Interest Energy issues.  Check it out : Public Interest Energy Blog It’s a great resource to keep up on energy issues, nationally & especially in the state of…

  • New technology, same uninhibited ambition You had better watch this, now and from now on.  The land grabbers are on the loose again and they can be stopped only as they were before, by the effective marshaling of public opinion.  Your property is in danger of being alienated, your interests and those of your children…

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