
  • The President visited projects done the right way- These projects were near a load center and built on degraded land. I wonder if he thinks this is the way most Nevada projects will be, or whether he simply did a cynical PR ploy? Obama said. “We’ll invest in the development and deployment of solar technology…

  • The massive Foisey Creek coal development in B.C. (the Lodgepole coal pit and 2000 coal bed methane wells) is becoming an international issue. UN to hear petition. The Globe and Mail. By Mark Hume. Earlier in this blog. 5/15/09. North Fork Flathead plight in U.N. spotlight 9/5/08. Another coal mine planned near the upper Flathead…

  • Anshutz plans 4-6 billon dollar development- Anschutz Corp. plans masssive Wyoming wind farm. By Matt Joyce. AP. Forbes. About 40 other remote wind projects are being considered. This single project would cover over 150 square miles. – – – – – – Related: Biologists study turbines’ effect on grouse. Billings Gazette. AP 5-26. For comparison:…

  • Pathbreaking book about agri-business dropped from Freshmen Reading program- Wazoo (Washington State University in Pullman) has a common reading program every year for freshmen. This is a growing practice at universities, but Michael Pollan’s look at how our food is produced in an unsustainable manner (oil and corn) seems to have been too controversial for…

  • Back East, things aren’t looking much better for the environment- See below Obama’s EPA clears 42 of 48 New Mountaintop Removal Mining Permits CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The Obama administration has cleared more than three-dozen new mountaintop removal permits for issuance by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, drawing quick criticism from environmental groups who had hoped…

  • Prosecutors ask federal court to block climate-change defense- Prosecutor is afraid of a jury. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune

  • BLM Resource Management Litigation hits “World News” Update May 13:  The Salt Lake Tribune publishes an important Editorial on the recent news: Saving sage grouse : A funny-looking bird that fluffs its feathers to dance an elaborate mating rite just might be able to accomplish what well-funded environmental groups have been struggling to do for…

  • These landowners realized that proposed wind energy is a lot more than a few scenic wind turbines tucked nicely away in an unimportant gully or flat- Laramine Range Landowners: Slow down wind energy. By Dustin Bleizeffer. Casper Star-Tribune energy reporter Unlike most of Idaho and Utah, they do live in a truly high quality wind…

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