
  • Judge B Lynne Winmill ruled in favor of Western Watersheds Project ordering that the group’s comprehensive challenge of over 16 Resource Management Plans, directing management of over 30 million acres, can be litigated in his single court. Resource Management Plans (RMPs) guide management of livestock grazing, off road vehicles, energy development, and other potentially environmentally…

  • With all of the talk about “smart grid technology” and “green” energy recently you may wonder if the two are really what they are claimed to be.   Here is a story about “smart grid technology” which indicates that it may not be all that green. “Anybody who’s proposing a transmission line in the United…

  • You might remember the controversial project that resulted in an IDFG regional supervisor to lose his job after pointing out the obvious – namely, that energy developments (yes, even ‘blessed’ Wind) on public lands impact wildlife and habitat in southern Idaho.  The wind company at issue on China Mountain/Brown’s Bench is RES Americas Inc., and…

  • Appeals panel rules that the Interior Department didn’t adequately analyze a Bush administration plan to auction off leases in the Arctic seas- Drilling off Alaska can’t proceed without further environmental review. By James Oliphant and Kim Murphy. LA Times. An off-shore oil spill into the Arctic Ocean would be a terrible disaster.

  • A huge solar power plant threatens rare plants and animals. There has been much discussion about renewable energy sources and large wind and solar projects. The problems with many of these projects are manyfold. One, there will be no decommissioning of any coal fired or other polluting/greenhouse gas emitting power plants as mitigation. Two, the…

  • 25-million acres of public land said operating under illegal BLM plans- Conservationists decry ranching impact on sage grouse populations. By Scott Sonner. Associated Press Writer Needless to say, this is no small piece of litigation. Thanks to Advocates for the West for permission to use the map.

  • Incident spotlights security vulnerability of centralized energy production and distribution This country is amidst a fundamental cross-roads when it comes to energy development. Many, including those in Washington, are straddling a dirty green line, a compromise of wildlife habitat and public lands to facilitate Salazar’s ambitious “moon shot” – the expeditious development of centralized renewable energy…

  • Question from earlier post answered- Story: Officials will remove oil from two massive storage tanks near the base of erupting Mount Redoubt. CNN. Earlier on this blog: Palin & Chevron; Spill Disaster in the Making

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