
  • U. student hoped for mercy from Obama’s team, but no luck- Bogus bidder: BLM auction monkey-wrencher faces two felonies. Drilling . U. student hoped for mercy from Obama’s team, but no luck. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. Added 4/4/2009. Did DeChristopher’s outspokenness seal his fate? By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. Is…

  • Channels Bush and adds a presidential signing statement- Updates to 4-2. State specific information added at end of post There was much rejoicing as the President signed the Omnibus Public Lands Bill, usually and incorrectly called the giant new “wilderness bill.” It does add 2-million acres to the National Wilderness Preservation System, but it does…

  • WILDLANDS CONSERVANCY: It brokered a BLM deal to protect the desert acres that are now being opened to development. Group sees ‘violation of trust’ By JANET ZIMMERMAN The Press-Enterprise

  • Our own KT quoted in New York Times! Obama admin faces power grid vs. public lands conundrum. By Scott Streater. New York Times.

  • New geothermal plant in Utah will send 7 megawatts of power to California- This is what should not be done. Seven megawatts, relatively speaking, is nothing. Most coal and nuclear plants are built in 300 to 1000 megawatt units. At any rate, small sources like this should be used locally. One good thing about this…

  • Good news for energy and wildlife- It is increasingly clear that the building of new coal plants is collapsing as this article indicates as a followup to my post of yesterday, Companies rethink coal plants. While planning and some actual construction of wind, solar and geothermal plants in remote locations continues, with plenty of hype…

  • Many planned coal plants are now being scrapped- Companies rethink coal plants. By Traci Watson, USA Today. Planned new coal plants are dropping by the scores. However, the majority of electricity in the U.S. is produced by coal, and many by old, and therefore more polluting plants like the one below. On my recent trip…

  • Now with a new and improved label! New Reality ad directed by the Academy-award winning Coen Brothers.

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