
  • Gas development makes small rural town and surrounding area full of unhealthy air- DEQ issues ozone alert for Pinedale. By Jeff Gearino. Casper Star Tribune.

  • Against the so-called ‘need’ for new long-distance, high-voltage transmission lines Transmission lies Grist Environmental News and Commentary Carol A. Overland posits the idea that a new electrical grid is “an enabler of dysfunctional energy planning and profit-driven projects that are against the public interest.”

  • The folks in Harry Reid’s hometown are not thrilled about plans for wind turbine development- An interesting story from Government Scoping Meeting: Residents React to Industrial Wind Farm Proposal. By LMC Searchlight, Nevada area map.

  • Status of Drift River terminal is not known due to homeland security secrecy- Will a natural disaster trigger an oil spill disaster? We don’t know because of lingering secrecy from the Bush Administration. Story: “Drift River Oil Terminal sits in harm’s way of volcano. SECRECY: Citing homeland security, officials give out little information about the…

  • There is going to be a big fight over this rapidly growing development as its external costs become more widely known- Environmentalists setting up anti-oilsands training camp in Calgary.  By Kelly Cryderman, Canwest News Service For more information, here is the blog “Oil Sands Watch.” It has interesting information like “Oil Sands Development Could Claim…

  • Ft. McMurry Catholic Bishop joins with others in condemning what some say is the most environmentally damaging project on the planet- Bishop spurns oilsands development.  Roman Catholic leader wants environmental concerns addressed; industry welcomes debate. Edmonton Journal.

  • Wow, quick action! Lisa Jackson was just confirmed the new EPA Administrator- Obama’s EPA Raises Objections to South Dakota Coal Power Plant. By Catherine Dodge.

  • This loss highlights the importance of genetic interchange and landscape-level habitat preservation The Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit has been listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act but efforts to restore the bunny have been unsuccesful.  Even efforts at maintaining as much of the Columbia Basin ancestory/gene by interbreeding with Idaho pygmy rabbits are not…

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