Steven Chu, a physicist, will be energy secretary. Lisa P. Jackson, from New Jersey environmental protection will head the E.P.A.- Story from the New York Times. Obama Team Set on Environment. By John M. Broder. Carol Browner, head of the EPA under Clinton may get the new climate post. – – – – more Nancy…
An opinion in the LA Times by Terry Tempest Williams- Oil lays waste to the West. The greed, speed and scale of development in wild lands is an open wound on America. By Terry Tempest Williams. Opinion. Los Angeles Times. December 7, 2008. – – – – – My comment. The lease sale set for…
BLM dropped routine consultation to rush sales- Bureau of Land Management didn’t alert agency to drilling bids near national park. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. U.S. to Open Public Land Near Parks for Drilling. By Felicity Barranger. New York Times. The sales are set for Dec. 19. The BLM refuses to move the…
Protection for the Snake River and the Wyoming Range mountains still coming? This popular bill to keep the drilling rigs out of the steep, unstable, scenic Wyoming Range, south of Jackson Hole has stalled due to the election campaign. It looks like there’s going to be a lame duck session of Congress. Harry Reid says…
Wind turbines and birds- “A recent study has concluded that wind turbines pose less of a risk to farmland birds than previously thought.” Birds Not At Risk From Wind Turbines [misleading headline]. Red Orbit. While the study on European farmland birds shows small effect — good news — the headline above overgeneralizes.
An Early Fall Float on the North Fork of the Flathead This New West article with great photos describes floating the beautiful North Fork of the Flathead from its origin in British Columbia downstream to the US border?? I linked to it because I was just up there myself in BC to investigate, and a…
George Wuerthner confronts the “Drill, baby, Drill” mantra with real energy conservation solutions. George has fired up a new blog which will include his essays of the past as well as those currently under construction. Check it out : Drill, baby, Drill – Wuerthner on the Environment
Push to drill shouldn’t hurt Wyoming Range bill, senators say. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star-Tribune environment reporter. I wouldn’t count on their judgment here. Drilling has quickly become such a Republican campaign theme that their GOP colleagues will probably vote against protecting the Wyoming Range out of pure symbolism. Sept. 3, 2008, a related story.…