
  • Big Oil’s biggest quarter ever: $51.5B in all. By John Porretto. AP Business Writer. So far Speaker Pelsosi has kept nervous Democrats in line on big oil’s plan’s to use the high price of gasoline to gain leases in fragile off and on-shore public lands. The counterattack should be easy. The headline above shows the…

  • Utah BLM isn’t responding to the needs of sportsmen. By Dan Potts, Chris Thomas and Joel Webster. Salt Lake Tribune. That’s because the BLM has been directed to focus on energy more than ever (it’s not they did much for wildlife or recreation in the past).

  • There has been some discussion about the rise in recent gas prices and its effect on public support to drill on public lands.  Polls are being tossed around and their results are as diverse as the questions – mostly we’ve seen Oil Industry sponsored polls suggesting widespread support for more drilling. Ralph has suggested that…

  • “The industrial takeover of the West is not about oil or the price of gasoline at the pump. Domestic oil production, in fact, has suffered from a shell game. Nearly all the drilling on public lands is, in fact, about methane: natural gas. The booty at the wellhead is methane and stockholder cash.” Natural gas…

  • We’ve seen this heedless rush to oil shale before, just ahead of the inevitable bust. By Senator Ken Salazar. Salt Lake Tribune (reprinted from the Washington Post). Salazar is a U.S. Senator from Colorado, the state where much of the oil shale lies.

  • Ten environmentalist groups are stepping up to the plate and litigating BLM’s decision to allow drilling of one of so many of the West’s beautiful public lands recently put up to the chopping block : Enviros sue to block Roan drilling leases – Denver Business Journal

  • Wells versus wildlife: Drill plan draws flak. Additional Pinedale Mesa rigs will hurt grouse and deer, pollute air, conservationists say. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. “The new plan would allow year-round drilling to continue. Further, it would allow 15 to 30 percent declines in population numbers and habitat for mule deer, pronghorn,…

  • River, Wyoming Range bills move to Senate. Jackson Hole News and Guide. By Noah Brenner. The Wyoming Range bill, sponsored by Wyoming’s Republican senators, would withdraw a big area of scenic, wildlife rich and and unstable soil from oil and gas leasing (contrary to the party’s push to open everything up on public lands). It…

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