The oil & gas and livestock industries continue to feel the pressure from land use agencies as the evidence piles up indicating that these extractive uses of our public lands are significantly contributing to the precipitous decline in sage grouse numbers. Sage grouse are described as the “spotted owl” of the ranching industry in the…
Plans are underway begin developing public lands to accommodate big energy, a move which promises to further fragment already diminishing wildlife habitat : Feds begin scoping for Gateway West transmission project – Casper Star Tribute Many of these areas are some of the last best habitat for wildlife such as sage grouse, pygmy rabbit, and…
The International Herald Tribune features and article about oil exploration, environmentalism, and the politics of both in the West: Backlash against energy exploration could hurt Republicans out West David Sirota suggests that environmentalism is an asset to Western Democrats that may make the difference in upcoming elections. Update 5-19 – NYT: Enviro Populism Threatens the…
Here is more on the striking decline in air quality in the Pinedale, Wyoming area. Pollution blamed on drilling industry. Associated Press More on May 12. Once-idyllic Pinedale is ground zero in debate over energy quest, quality of life By Brandon Griggs. The Salt Lake Tribune
Here is some good news. The U. S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee yesterday passed a bill closing 1.2 million (!!) acres of the Wyoming Range mountains to natural gas exploration and production. This highly scenic, unstable, and wildlife rich mountain range is west of Big Piney and Daniel and south of Jackson, Wyoming.…
In a county that as gone from just a few gas well to one with more wells than residents, there is a protest demonstration scheduled today, Sunday. The Casper Star Tribune reports that a “retired high school science teacher Elaine Crumpley has helped organize what she’s calling a ‘peaceful protest.’ ” It will be from…
On Energy Development, Hunters and Anglers Push Back. By Chris Hunt. New West. Hunt also introduces us to a new group, Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development.
Energy leasing advances. Controversy fails to stop Bridger-Teton. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole News and Guide. Earlier story on this (April 23). Wyoming Governor: Forest deal ‘suspect’. Federal government gave energy company broad influence over study of Wyo. Range. Jackson Hole News and Guide.