
  • Drilling operations reshape landscape. By Todd Hartman, Rocky Mountain News Drilling and production are also reshaping Wyoming (the most), Utah, New Mexico, and soon, Montana, and North Dakota. All attempts in Congress so far to tighten up the the drilling have failed. In fact, they were dropped from the recent massive energy bill to try…

  • This energy bill keeps getting worse. This concession is certainly bad news for many ranchers who own what is called “split estate” land as well making sure the more sensitive parts of public lands are not drilled. I don’t like the emphasis on renewables as written because much of this is corn ethanol which isn’t…

  • The BLM is intent on turning even more prime wildlife habitat and trout streams over to the tender mercies of the oil companies. This story tells of their effort to retard this. By Ruffin Prevost. Billings Gazette.

  • Cubin has long been the worst member of the Wyoming congressional delegation, a complete enabler of the energy industry in opposition to private property rights, protection of Wyoming public lands and wildlife, and against making sure the energy industries pay the legally required amount of royalties. My view is good riddance, but she would have…

  • Wyoming’s new US senator John Barrasso has picked up one of the priorities of the late Sen. Craig Thomas, R-Wyo. It would stop oil and gas leasing in all of the 100 mile long Wyoming Range and buy back those leases already issued. Senaror Barrasso brings bill to protect Wyoming Range. By Noelle Straub. Billings…

  • Caswell, the new BLM chief, thinks Democratic Party gains in the West are not due to a backlash from all the oil and gas drilling in prime wildlife and scenic areas. Drilling backlash is overblown according to Jim Caswell, new BLM head. By John Heilprin. Casper Star Tribune. I don’t see evidence one way or…

  • This is a very important report because it shows that the Interior West is being treated like a colony, a place where a dominant external political power stifles more lasting economic well being of the native population in favor of their interests. And like the colonies of old, there are plenty of local collaborators here…

  • As folks know, including the government of Wyoming, which fears a sage grouse listing under the ESA, large continuous areas of sagebrush steppe are in big trouble. It is fascinating how they blame wolves wolves for too few elk and then say there are too many antelope and deer and they need to have a…

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