
  • Google Earth is revolutionizing the way people see change on the Earth’s surface. In this case is it the massive amount of oil and gas development in Wyoming. On your own or watching the short video at, it can revolutionize your view of cumulative environmental impacts. For those of you that have seen “An…

  • Idaho is generally thought to be safe from the onslaught of the natural gas drillers, but in fact a portion of Eastern Idaho has the same geological structure as part of gas-rich Wyoming. The “Overthrust Belt” ranges of the Rocky Mountains run along the Idaho/Wyoming border. This intensely folded and even overturned area of thrust-faulting…

  • This article and this change in NRA thinking is getting a lot of play and commentary around the country. NRA Pressured To Resist Bush Energy Policies. Hunters Wary of Limited Land Access. By Blaine Harden. Washington Post Staff Writer

  • I wondered if anyone had made a video on the destruction of the Upper Green River Valley in Wyoming by natural gas exploation and development, and it came today as a comment to an earlier post. See what is going on. Watch the video at I wonder if Sportsmen for [some] Fish and [certain…

  • “What happens in the oil patch stays in the oil patch . . .” I thought the problem was all those dern wolves, but apparently not. 😉 Article in the Billings Gazette. “State influx leads to more poaching. Long distances, lack of witnesses make job hard for wardens.” By the Associated Press

  • This is from David Frey writing in New West. “Oil and Gas Boom Raises Air Pollution Fears in West.” However, it is not just oil and gas, it is also coal-fired power plants. There is really only one area left in the West where visibility is virtually unimpaired from human impacts. That is Northern Nevada,…

  • This is about one of those places in Wyoming that is wonderful, and being destroyed by the gas industry, while Governor Freudenthal diverts attention to 150 or so wolves that wander a small part of the state near Yellowstone. A wide-eyed view of the Red Desert. If more people see it, naturalist contends, they will…

  • I posted this article as part of a comment yesterday, but it deserves its own post. The natural gas industry is the major threat to elk and deer in Wyoming (and, of course, chronic wasting disease). I have always thought the state’s anti-wolf rhetoric was mostly designed to divert attention away from the industialization of…

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