Western Watersheds Project wins initial court victory Western Watersheds Project (WWP) has won a federal court order overturning the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Resource Management Plans (RMPs) for the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve in Idaho and the Pinedale Field Office in Wyoming. These two plans affect management on over 2.5…
We ran a story on this earlier — they are going to shoot a lot of wolves because tar sand mining is ruining the mountain caribou habitat. Now this in the Huffington Post. Wolves, Caribou, Tar Sands and Canada’s Oily Ethics. By Chris Genovali. Executive Director, Raincoast Conservation Foundation
It’s whether he turns down the Keystone XL pipeline- Exploiting the tar sands of Alberta is so bad that famous NASA climatologist James Hansen said that if they are fully exploited for their oil deposits, “it is essentially game over” for the planet. So will he make nice with the oil companies and the Republicans…
Another Solar Development, Another Lost Landscape ? Chris Clarke gives a remarkable account of another landscape that has found its way into the cross-hairs of Solar Developers and Big Green, and of the locals’ abiding love for the land: Solar Energy Development in the Carrizo Plain Draws Lawsuits – KCET – The Back Forty It’s…
Pipeline will make it easier for the world’s most environmentally destructive project- In addition, there is growing evidence that sending the “oil” down the pipeline to Texas will result not in use the U.S., but exports to China. Of course, Republicans and oil state politicians say this will reduce U.S. oil dependence. Yea right! New…
Declining habitat the problem- Wyoming energy development is causing a big decline in Wyoming’s deer herds with subdivisions a weaker second cause. The long-term problem is discussed in this detailed article in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle. By Shauna Stephenson I can’t help but think that a lot of ferocious anti-wolf talk by Wyoming politicians had…
Montana judge’s ruling saves Lochsa River and local Idaho and Montana residents- Imperial Oil, Canadian spawn of ExxonMobil has announced they are going to try to break down the size of their tar sands-bound megaloads so that they won’t have to use narrow, winding, scenic U.S. Highway 12 through North Central Idaho and then Montana.…
Some current cooperation with the Sierra Club suggests so- Solar companies need to do offsets to reduce harms, and hopefully at times they can improve wildlife habitat. Here is a recent hopeful story. Solar companies learn to play nice with environmentalists. By Ucilia Wang. Gigaom.