
  • The National Wildlife Federation published a report demonstrating that Pronghorn and Mule Deer look to be in appreciable decline in Wyoming and Colorado. Looks like Sage-grouse are plummeting as well. Habitat concerns, as well as Oil & Gas impacts, look to be among the culprits but I find it particularly interesting that the report does…

  • Several articles are relevant- Oil spill into Montana river raises scrutiny about nation’s pipelines. By Matthew Brown and Garance Burke. Associated Press. It turns out there are many oil pipelines under our rivers, great and small. They are subject to many hazards, and I should add that the House Republicans are busily trying cut the…

  • Peaceful disruptor of BLM oil auction to be sentenced today by our ExxonMobil government- Bill Mckibben opines on today’s sentencing of Tim DeChristopher by a government that couldn’t find a single corrupt banker after they just about destroyed the economy back in 2008. Tim DeChristopher and the feds. By Bill Mckibben.  The Salt Lake Tribune.…

  • How bad is this going to get? Exxon: Ruptured pipeline carried tar sands crude. Laura Zuckerman – Reuters

  • At least they got a reception.  Sounds like fun. Earth Firsters, megaload protesters occupy governor’s office – Missoulian Schweitzer told the group he would not cede to their demands before they started playing the piano and dancing on the big table in the governor’s reception room in apparent frustration with the direction of the meeting.…

  • Closed Process Highlights Need For Meaningful State Environmental Review, Public Involvement With the recent discovery of natural gas in southwest Idaho many residents are concerned about their local watersheds.  They should be, fracking is an ugly business : Before 2005, regulation of fracking took place under the Safe Drinking Water Act. EPA was responsible for…

  • ExxonMobil pipeline under the Yellowstone River releases 30,000 – 50,000 gallons of crude into world famous river- It’s another one of those things they claimed was too unlikely to worry about. Now there is a large oil slick drifting down the Yellowstone River toward the Missouri, ruining riverside property, and polluting not just the river…

  • Canadian tar sands are not just about turning Alberta’s boreal forest into a wasteland. Transport of the product has many dangers, ill-effects. ____________ They haul their giant equipment around the world disrupting the roadside environment to dig tar sands in Alberta, turning hundreds of square miles into lifeless pits. Ah, but they produce oil!  They…

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