
  • Despite predictions to the contrary, the wind farms did well- Battle-proof Wind Farms Survive Japan’s Trial by Fire. By Kelly Rigg. Huffington Post.

  • Wind and solar development could be very destructive to Nevada’s wildlife- Energy development poses challenge to wildlife habitat. By Larry Johnson. Las Vegas Review-Journal. And unsaid is the continuing bad idea of centralized energy generation, even if it is said to be renewable.

  • Suit Filed to Protect One of Nevada’s Largest Bat Roosts, National Park For immediate release – January 25, 2011 Contacts: Jon Marvel, Executive Director Western Watersheds Project, 208.788.2290 Rob Mrowka, Center for Biological Diversity, 702.249.5821 LAS VEGAS, Nev – Two conservation groups and three Indian Tribes filed suit today to protect a pristine mountain valley…

  • “I can assure you there will be a protracted legal fight using all legal means available to stop the project” Some of the really great things I enjoy about living in the west are the obscure landscapes/mountain ranges.  Unlike national parks, ‘W‘ilderness areas, National Monuments and other landscapes prominently highlighted on any western map, there…

  • Safeguards needed to prevent population declines in the Whooping Crane and Greater Sage-Grouse, and reduce mass mortality among eagles and songbirds The American Bird Conservancy weighs in on wind farms and their concerns for many rare bird species. Wind Development Threatens Iconic American Birds. American Bird Conservancy Press Release

  • Wind Farms On Public Land Stymied By Eagle Concerns, Radar Interference The article notes a growing recognition of conflicts wind development on public lands are running into, slowing wind development on public lands across the West. Eagle Concerns Stymie Wind Farms – AP The only project approved is the Spring Valley wind farm in Nevada…

  • Where NOT to hastily site an Industrial-scale Wind Energy Project Just north of Great Basin National Park, east of Ely in Eastern Nevada, lies a public landscape called Spring Valley. Spring Valley is a miraculous place, renowned for its magnificent skies and as critical habitat for sagebrush obligate species such as sage grouse and pygmy…

  • “Barotrauma” University of Calgary researchers provide answers to the mysterious deaths of bats and wind turbine facilities in southern Alberta, Canada. [vodpod id=Video.2305131&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Barotrauma- Bat deaths from Wind Turbines Barotrauma – Barotrauma is physical damage to body tissues caused by a difference in pressure between an air space inside or beside the body and…

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