
  • Once thought extinct, reintroduction to Utah just one of a growing number- The black-footed ferret, closely related to the weasel, but a predatory specialist that eats prairie dogs almost exclusively (about 92% of their diet), was thought to be extinct back in the 1970s.  Amazingly a pet dog discovered a colony near Meeteetse, Wyoming in…

  • Yesterday it was reported by Rocky Barker that Idaho Representative Mike Simpson believes that the bighorn and grazing riders are likely to make it into law. The riders, attached to the Fiscal Year 2012 – House Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill, would essentially do two things. First, the Bighorn Rider would shut down any process that the BLM…

  • “Why You Should Eat Yak Instead of Beef-“ Maybe folks ought not just “like” this on Facebook. Send it to your governors.  Oregon’s governor could use a copy now. Why You Should Eat Yak Instead of Beef. By Christopher Ketcham. Truthdig.

  • On September 14 and 15 Katie Fite and I visited the Miller Creek Allotment on the Mountain City Ranger District of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest to check out the riparian areas there. What we found was just a horrible mess that any land manager should be embarrassed about enough to actually do something about but,…

  • Hiker outraged at bovine caused  mess at what is arguably Idaho’s most beautiful alpine lake- The Pioneers are the second highest mountain range in Idaho. They are of beautiful, hard glaciated rock, carved into giant peaks, spires, lake-filled cirques and waterfalls with wildflower meadows some of the time before the cattle reach them. Livestock grazing…

  • After receiving a groundswell of public comments prompted by Western Watersheds Project and local wolf advocates’ tireless effort the Blaine County Commission voted to require the Flat Top Ranch and The Nature Conservancy to provide a predator management plan emphasizing non-lethal protection of livestock prior to the Commission’s final approval of the ranch’s conservation easement…

  • Advances in technology make commercial “cultured” meat a real possibility- The production of food in general has many positive and negative side effects, but many argue that meat production’s side effects weigh far on the negative side. Political battles over CAFOs, grazing, use of antibiotics, subsidies, and culture have been intractable. Raising an animal for…

  • Why does this economically modest and destructive economic activity get so much priority? A recent report published by the Department of Interior demonstrates what conservation advocates have been arguing for years:  Recreational use of public lands creates many more jobs and much more economic value than public lands ranching. Department of the Interior’s Economic Contributions…

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