
  • In fact, the Montana state veterinarian and MT Dept. of Livestock are the only ones who think it has worked- Interagency Bison Management Plan or IBMP is the controversial bison management plan adopted in 2000 to keep brucellosis from spreading from Yellowstone Park bison to cattle outside the Park.   No brucellosis has spread from bison,…

  • Have Western Watersheds/Advocates for the West killed this unfair, anti-wildlife program? I guess we don’t have many Eastern Washington readers because there were no comments on our earlier article (yesterday) on this, but today’s news in the Seattle Times is very encouraging. This graze-the-state-wildlife-areas-for-free-to-help-me-politically program of the governor’s, really made us furious. Experimental Washington state…

  • Elk in Wyoming are doing well, even when you look at individual herds- The Jackson Hole News and Guide April 28 reported their analysis of the 2010 Big Game Management Summary of Wyoming Game and Fish. This article is not on-line, so I will summarize. The annual census reported almost 103,000 elk in the 27…

  • How Ted Turner Scored Yellowstone’s Bison Herd A good overview of the buffalo issue and how they continue to be persecuted by Montana’s livestock industry and how the buffalo from the quarantine feasibility study ended up going to Ted Turner. The Privatization of Wildlife: How Ted Turner Scored Yellowstone’s Bison Herd AlterNet / By Joshua…

  • WWP wins again as state judge can find not one benefit for wildlife in state cow grazing of state wildlife areas- We have written a number of times about the recent politically inspired introduction of livestock into the Eastern Washington state wildlife areas purchased specifically to help wildlife and water quality. The livestock interests get…

  • Economic woes threaten the ranching lifestyle Another article about how the custom and culture of the ranching lifestyle is under threat but this one explains what the real threat is. Not so much environmentalists or government regulation but the economy and low beef prices combined with high beef processing prices are changing the economy for…

  • This has been very minor news, but the Idaho Cattle Association and Farm Bureau have been trying to pump it into a story- They haven’t had much success, and today in the Idaho State Journal, columnist Michael H. O’Donnell slapped the livestock interests again. Best of all he relates it to the Johnson County War,…

  • Good news for a pretty, but cattle hammered basin on the Idaho/Montana border- Although those who only think about wolves suppose Federal Judge Molloy surely sides with conservation groups, he didn’t on this decision. Fortunately the 9th Circuit overturned his approval of a bad Forest Service grazing plan. Here is the story in the Montana…

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