Domestic Sheep

  • Yesterday it was reported by Rocky Barker that Idaho Representative Mike Simpson believes that the bighorn and grazing riders are likely to make it into law. The riders, attached to the Fiscal Year 2012 – House Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill, would essentially do two things. First, the Bighorn Rider would shut down any process that the BLM…

  • After receiving a groundswell of public comments prompted by Western Watersheds Project and local wolf advocates’ tireless effort the Blaine County Commission voted to require the Flat Top Ranch and The Nature Conservancy to provide a predator management plan emphasizing non-lethal protection of livestock prior to the Commission’s final approval of the ranch’s conservation easement…

  • Well, the BLM has done it again, they’ve managed to wipe out another herd of bighorn sheep.  A herd of California bighorn sheep in the Snowstorm Mountains of northern Nevada is the latest victim of disease caused by domestic sheep.  While the Nevada Department of Wildlife hesitates to say whether interaction with domestic sheep is…

  • Advances in technology make commercial “cultured” meat a real possibility- The production of food in general has many positive and negative side effects, but many argue that meat production’s side effects weigh far on the negative side. Political battles over CAFOs, grazing, use of antibiotics, subsidies, and culture have been intractable. Raising an animal for…

  • Bill to stop listing of new endangered species, mine the Grand Canyon, and let diseased sheep kill off our bighorns is Un-American- IMO, House Republicans are not patriots, nor do they care about wildlife or the future of our environment (except maybe that of the top 2%). Ralph Maughan The Arizona Republic opines on the…

  • Sticking point is probably domestic sheep- If there are domestic sheep, they probably shouldn’t risk it. Montana FWP considers new bighorn herd in Bitterroot. By Perry Backus. Ravalli Republic

  • Domestic sheep versus bighorn sheep and cultural traditions- Nice to have an article about Idaho’s tiny, but powerful sheep culture (and those who have cultural ties to bighorn). These domestic sheep guys are Governor Clement Otter’s pals. I’d like to see an article about the planned demise of Idaho’s educational culture at the hands of…

  • This is what WWP calls “low hanging fruit” For the last several years I have been appealing grazing decision issued by the Ely District of the BLM and, over and over again, the District only considers alternatives which maintain the status quo even when they have identified problems on the allotments that are either caused…

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