Grazing and Livestock

  • I thought folks would be interested in this because of the focus on the Southwest. I know a lot of people are celbrating the recent victory keeping oil and gas out of the famed Valles Caldera in northern New Mexico, but what they don’t know it that the public is excluded and this exclusionary semi-public…

  • Humans’ beef with livestock: a warmer planet. American meat eaters are responsible for 1.5 more tons of carbon dioxide per person than vegetarians every year. By Brad Knickerbocker. Christian Science Monitor. The livestock industry likes to laugh this one off. What’s so funny?

  • More on the recent drop in public land grazing fees to the minimum rate allowed by law. The federal grazing program also loses money. How can it be justified? Grazing fees drop, but plan’s in the red. By Tony Davis. Arizona Daily Star.

  • They’ve gone and done it again — dropped public land grazing fees as low as the law allows. For a buck, thirty-five a month ranchers can let a cow stomp all over the the public land trample the banks and shit in the streams. Oh, yes, and their calves get to do it for free.…

  • Conflicting bids over state land leases, and whether prior lease holders should get preferential treatment at the expense of public education revenues has spilled over into the Wyoming Legislature. House Bill 318 would generally point away from conservation groups willing to pay two-to-three times as much for state land leases than the livestock producers who…

  • Once upon a time it was the Idaho Watersheds Project. Now on the occasion of her losing battle with breast cancer, in the honor of the late Molly Ivins, here is her 1998 article as to how the Idaho Watersheds Projects was born (with colorful characterizations of Idaho politicians present and past . . .…

  • “KT” has posted several times about slickspot peppergrass. I suppose some politicians guffaw when it is mentioned (names that sound unusual are not worth conserving, I suppose). Today the Western Watersheds Project website put up a good photo essay on slickspot peppergrass and the way the BLM lets it get ruined.

  • Here is an interesting post on the Western Watersheds Project blog. Grace at Carrizo Plain?

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