Grazing and Livestock
Bighorn sheep near the northern entrance of Yellowstone National Park are dying from pneumonia. Pneumonia outbreaks in bighorn sheep are often associated with contact with domestic sheep or goats which carry many pathogens that cause pneumonia in bighorn sheep but do not affect domestic sheep or goats. According to a press release by Montana FWP,…
Send public comments now on new EA for predator damage management by Wildlife Services in Idaho- USDA’s Wildlife Services in Idaho is writing a new environmental analysis (EA) on how to manage damage by predators in Idaho. It will replace all existing EAs. According to the announcement, “Predator species involved in the majority of conflicts…
WASHINGTON — The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) soon to be considered by the U.S. House of Representatives contains several provisions that would undermine current efforts to protect greater sage grouse on nearly 60 million acres of public lands, and would lead to listing greater sage grouse under the Endangered Species Act. The livestock lobby…
The bull trout, a char, is listed under the Endangered Species Act as threatened in the lower 48 states. It has been extirpated from about 60 percent of its natural range. Worse, like many native salmonids, it is primarily found in headwater streams with little connectivity to larger river systems. The bull trout is a top apex predator, and as a…
In a recent blog post, Defenders of Wildlife is grossly misleading the public claiming that they have “saved the last wild bison” by participating in and supporting the quarantine of buffalo that originated as wild calves from Yellowstone. Quarantine is a domestication process. There is no benefit from quarantine to bison as wildlife. Quarantine is…
PEER creates a BLM Rangelands Health map- Grazing activists are going to cheer an interactive map created by PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility). As they sent their comments on the Greater sage grouse to the US. Fish and Wildlife Service, PEER wrote: The comments are based on analysis of data available for viewing on PEER’s…
The merging of the Nez Perce and Clearwater National Forests offers opportunity to plunder- Two very important national forests in north central Idaho were recently combined through administrative action. The Clearwater and the Nez Perce National Forests both operate under separate forest management plans, developed after years of analysis and public comment. There was even…
This August the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) reversed an earlier 2010 ruling that Arctic Grayling in the Upper Missouri River system of Montana were endangered (but precluded from listing under the Endangered Species Act due to higher priority species). Instead the Service decided that as a result of cooperative efforts by ranchers in…