Grazing and Livestock

  • The Associated Press is reporting that a bighorn sheep lamb in Yellowstone National Park has pneumonia. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks has been tracking sheep in the Gardiner area just north of Yellowstone National Park since reports of coughing bighorn were given to them in early December. In response FWP has killed 5 sheep but…

  • Oregon governor is told county failed to include at least two pro-wolf voices as required by state law- This year the Oregon legislature passed a law authorizing each county to set up a committee to handle livestock interest claims for wolf damage. The claims will be paid by Oregon taxpayers. The idea behind the law…

  • On December 1st, at a presentation given by Bob Budd about the Wyoming Core Habitat Plan for sage grouse, it was pretty obvious that the livestock industry has things pretty much locked up with the agencies and politicians. The presentation was given in one of the big, new hearing rooms in the basement of the…

  • Very bad news from just outside of Yellowstone National Park. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks :: Pneumonia Confirmed in Cinnabar Mountain Bighorn Sheep. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks :: Pneumonia Confirmed in Cinnabar Mountain Bighorn Sheep Friday, December 09, 2011 Fish & Wildlife – Region 3 Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks confirms the discovery of…

  • Flare up over bed n’ breakfast gives insight to repression that is usually more subtle- Recently we did a story on a controversy over license for a tiny bed n’ breakfast in Wallowa County near Joseph, OR, “NE Oregon . . . get friendly with wolf watchers and lose your property rights.” Since then matters…

  • Note: A number of updates have been added to this story as other news media picked this up.  Lots of egg on the BLMs face!  RM For these scroll to the bottom. – – – – Nov. 30, 2011. This morning Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) filed a scientific misconduct complaint with the Department…

  • How many “predator killed” cattle were actually stolen? We all know the story — the “horrible wolves killed the cattle. They were so hungry that not even a piece of bone was left as evidence.”  The same has been said of cougar and bear. In the many years I have roamed the range, I often…

  • In Idaho Wildlife Services has historically received most of its funding from the federal government but this year those funds were cut by $247,000. To make up for the shortfall guess where the Idaho livestock industry is going to go. Yup, you guessed it. They are going to the Idaho Legislature with their hands out.…

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