Grazing and Livestock

  • Lamb, beef and cheese have the highest emissions The Environmental Working Group recently published a report assessing the climate change and environmental impacts of meat production.  They found that not all meats have the same impact. Visit the 2001 Meat Eaters Guide to Climate Change + Health

  • Mike Hudak interviews Retired USDA researcher Steve Monsen about livestock grazing’s impact to weed and Pinion-Juniper spread in the western United States: Retired USDA researcher Steve Monsen explains how overgrazing by cattle and sheep throughout the Great Basin, beginning in the mid-19th century and continuing to the present day, has initiated a cascade of environmental…

  • Conservationists have been putting in a lot of hours for a lot of years on the Green Mountain Common Allotment – and rightfully so;  At 522,000 acres it’s the largest unfenced public land grazing allotment in the country, and it’s a landscape that’s been brutalized by livestock for far too long. Green Mountain grazing decision doesn’t…

  • Bill to stop listing of new endangered species, mine the Grand Canyon, and let diseased sheep kill off our bighorns is Un-American- IMO, House Republicans are not patriots, nor do they care about wildlife or the future of our environment (except maybe that of the top 2%). Ralph Maughan The Arizona Republic opines on the…

  • Slight indication of a changing tide in Idaho A couple of days ago I was pleasantly surprised when my neighbor approached me asking whether I’d be willing to sign a ballot initiative.  “What’s is about ?” I asked.  “Did you know that Idaho is one of only three states without a felony charge for animal…

  • “A fearful few wage war on American’s wolves. The war comes because agribusiness exaggerates and lies about wolf predation.” Are Wolves the Real Killers ? – Huffington Post – Wendy Keefover-Ring The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the agribusiness industry can be counted among the fearful few, killing wolves with alarming readiness. USDA…

  • Moscow, ID – Today, Friends of the Clearwater and WildEarth Guardians call into question how two different federal agencies count livestock losses attributed to wolves in the States of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.  The livestock death losses figures are reported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) show a remarkable magnitude of disparity from…

  • Why does this economically modest and destructive economic activity get so much priority? A recent report published by the Department of Interior demonstrates what conservation advocates have been arguing for years:  Recreational use of public lands creates many more jobs and much more economic value than public lands ranching. Department of the Interior’s Economic Contributions…

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