Grazing and Livestock
“A fearful few wage war on American’s wolves. The war comes because agribusiness exaggerates and lies about wolf predation.” Are Wolves the Real Killers ? – Huffington Post – Wendy Keefover-Ring The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the agribusiness industry can be counted among the fearful few, killing wolves with alarming readiness. USDA…
Moscow, ID – Today, Friends of the Clearwater and WildEarth Guardians call into question how two different federal agencies count livestock losses attributed to wolves in the States of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. The livestock death losses figures are reported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) show a remarkable magnitude of disparity from…
Why does this economically modest and destructive economic activity get so much priority? A recent report published by the Department of Interior demonstrates what conservation advocates have been arguing for years: Recreational use of public lands creates many more jobs and much more economic value than public lands ranching. Department of the Interior’s Economic Contributions…
Livestock disease infects at least 11 in Washington and Montana Q-fever is a little-know, under-reported disease that sheep, goats, and cattle carry and transmit to humans. Listed as a potential bio-terrorism agent, recreationists – especially those with immunity issues, children and pregnant women – should take proper precautions to avoid domestic sheep on public lands…
The state of Montana is considering expanding the area around Yellowstone where livestock must be vaccinated and tested for the livestock disease brucellosis after several elk tested positive for the disease in the Ruby Mountains. Montana animal disease zone could expand – AP What this may mean for wildlife in the area is still uncertain.…
Unprovoked attack leaves grandma dead while protecting one year old grandson- I wonder if the cows will be showing up at bus stops sizing up which children (or seniors) they can stomp to death 😉 For sure, cows kills far more people than wolves do. Maybe shelters should be built for the children. Family says…
The Campbell-DeFazio amendment, which would have cut Wildlife Services’ “Livestock Protection” program by $11 Million, failed 132-287. Only 30 Republican’s voted for it.
Recently, Western Watersheds Project won a court victory halting corporate livestock ranching on 450,000 acres on the Jarbidge Field Office, BLM in southern Idaho. It was a sweet victory for sage grouse, wildlife, and other environmental values in southern Idaho – but it may or may not be short-lived. Later this month, the Idaho U.S.…