Grazing and Livestock

  • Defenders of Wildlife answers Butch Otter’s “political grandstanding”- The writer of the Defender’s response is Rodger Schlickeisen, president of Defenders of Wildlife. Ranchers will still get money for livestock losses. Rodger Schlickeisen guest editorial in the Idaho Statesman. I can’t help but compare Otter’s red-faced response on this relatively small amount of money to his…

  • As mega-dairies and feedlots make up more of Idaho’s dairy industry, the conflicts between people and cattle are increasing Guess what.  There’s shit in the air and water around these facilities and people are getting sick. “High nitrate levels in water can cause brain damage in infants and has been associated with reproductive problems and…

  • Don’t color outside the lines The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has released its Draft Bighorn Sheep Management Plan which essentially draws lines around existing bighorn sheep populations and prevents recovery to historical habitat. This is a big problem because the bighorn population has been in steep decline due to diseases spread by domestic…

  • It’s been a bad year for bighorn sheep in Montana. Spread of Bighorn Sheep Pneumonia Continues – New West While we see an increasing amount of media attention that bighorns are dying of disease, unfortunately, with this article, there is a familiar omission of context regarding a likely source of disease for bighorns in general;…

  • Herd lives close to site of previous die-offs After last winter’s disastrous die-off of bighorn sheep in Montana, Utah, Nevada, and Washington State it seemed the news couldn’t get any worse for bighorn sheep. Well, today comes news of another outbreak of pneumonia in a heard of 100 bighorn sheep east of Hamilton, Montana. Officials…

  • The “capture” of wildlife agencies, both state and federal, by agricultural interests continues, this time in the state of Nevada where another ‘flat-earther’ has been appointed to a position of authority over wildlife management. Hank Vogler, a domestic sheep rancher who has actively denied the relationship between disease die-offs in bighorn sheep herds and contact…

  • USFS takes away grazing lease in Nevada’s Santa Rosa Mountains. The Columbus method of grazing, where cattle are put out for months on end and then “discovered” at the end of the grazing season, gets a spank. You can read the decision from April here. Rancher loses grazing appeal. Written by Dee Holzel – Silver…

  • Larkspur Strikes Again !!! Kinda’ puts the whole “Canadian wolves are a threat to our ‘livelihood’” argument into perspective: 30 cows die in S. Idaho after eating larkspur – Idaho Statesman via Associated Press Perhaps they will spend millions of tax-payer’s dollars to commission a federal agency to crop-dust our public lands with herbicide such…

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