Grazing and Livestock

  • Lobbyists, It’s what’s for dinner You know those commercials that say “Beef. It’s what’s for dinner.” Well, the association that takes a dollar from the sale of each cow for those commercials is in trouble. It appears that they might have been spending some of the money on lobbying as well as travel expenses for…

  • Western Watersheds Project wins a great legal victory for wilderness and endangered fish. ~ Jon Marvel Friends, On July 30th, 2010 Idaho Chief District Judge B. Lynn Winmill issued an Order in Western Watersheds Project‘s favor overturning a Bureau of Land Management decision to build fencing within the Burnt Creek Wilderness Study Area (WSA) on…

  • Despite full court press by Idaho woolgrowers, reason prevails- Payette supervisor decides to end sheep grazing in bighorn country. Submitted by Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. By email I learned about 30,000 acres will still be open, but this is a big victory for Idaho  bighorn over an very entrenched political interest.

  • The Payette National Forest will be releasing its Record of Decision on July 30th After several years of litigation, the decision on how to manage domestic sheep on the Payette National Forest to maintain viability of bighorn sheep populations will be released on July 30. Several options were considered but few actually meet the so…

  • Opinion in the Oregonian- The Oregonian is the state’s leading newspaper. They printed an editorial telling the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife not to be so quick to kill wolves just because some livestock were killed.  That is fine with me, but I’d really see the additional argument that in deciding to kill from…

  • The role livestock plays spreading wildlife harming weeds in the Rockies should be obvious- Livestock–the elephant in the room when it comes to weeds. By George Wuerthner. New West. – – – – – My comments: Weeds are of great harm to ungulates. Rangeland cattle in particular are culprits. They cause bare patches of soil…

  • Ranchers complain about losing control while accepting government handouts. The Buffalo Gap National Grassland of South Dakota doesn’t have buffalo any more but it certainly has a handful of ranchers with a strong sense of entitlement. They are worrying that wilderness designation will “steal” control that they seem to believe they should have over these…

  • Sheep tested positive for Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae Bighorn sheep in Montana and elsewhere suffered severe losses this winter at the hands of pneumonia. In the East Fork herd bighorn were seen interacting with domestic sheep near Sula, Montana. Those domestic sheep were relocated earlier this year and another herd has been removed from the area to…

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