Grazing and Livestock

  • Wants livestock industry to use antibiotics just for the health of the animals and to remove from general livestock feed Not only does the livestock industry foul waters with livestock waste, destroy public lands and habitat, and contribute the greatest to greenhouse gas emissions, it also threatens the health of humans by feeding antibiotics to…

  • I recently attended a gathering of activists engaged in curtailing CAFOs/Feedlots and their many crimes against our common water and air.  With the success of California activists at bringing health and environmental regulation to the massive feedlots in their state, many other western states not so apt to test the water or otherwise regulate are…

  • Indictment indicates anger about BLM land use behind some of the fires- They are accused of multiple arson wildfires, threats to federal officials,  even a fire set to drive out hunters. This began as early as 1982.  Some locals call them “good people,” “salt of the earth.” Bill Hoyt president of the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association,…

  • BOISE — The Department of Interior’s Office of Hearings and Appeals has granted Western Watersheds Project (WWP) a stay of a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) decision to cancel Valley Sun, LLC’s (Valley Sun) grazing permit on public lands along the East Fork and main Salmon Rivers in central Idaho. BLM had attempted to cancel…

  • 7 tested positive. We wrote about this story last December: Second brucellosis case found in Idaho cattle herd. It turns out that 7 cattle tested positive in the herd that was assembled over the last two years. The origins of the animals have not been reported. The remaining animals are being kept in quarantine. Idaho…

  • Online Messenger #177 Western Watersheds Project wins in Oregon, Nevada, and Idaho and Continues our Push For Environmental & Fiscal Responsibility Throughout the West ~ Jon Marvel Friends, Western Watersheds Project, with the help of many of our allies in the conservation community, has been bringing much needed change to public lands and wildlife management…

  • IDFG/Wildlife Services’ war on wolves has begun. 42 wolves killed for 23 depredations. The monthly update from IDFG, which contains little useful or timely information, has been released for the month of April. It appears from the numbers that Wildlife Services has been given the permission to conduct extensive revenge killings on behalf of livestock…

  • FWP kills bighorn sheep to avoid disease outbreak. Billings Gazette.

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