Grazing and Livestock

  • Online Messenger #177 Western Watersheds Project wins in Oregon, Nevada, and Idaho and Continues our Push For Environmental & Fiscal Responsibility Throughout the West ~ Jon Marvel Friends, Western Watersheds Project, with the help of many of our allies in the conservation community, has been bringing much needed change to public lands and wildlife management…

  • IDFG/Wildlife Services’ war on wolves has begun. 42 wolves killed for 23 depredations. The monthly update from IDFG, which contains little useful or timely information, has been released for the month of April. It appears from the numbers that Wildlife Services has been given the permission to conduct extensive revenge killings on behalf of livestock…

  • FWP kills bighorn sheep to avoid disease outbreak. Billings Gazette.

  • In fact, the Montana state veterinarian and MT Dept. of Livestock are the only ones who think it has worked- Interagency Bison Management Plan or IBMP is the controversial bison management plan adopted in 2000 to keep brucellosis from spreading from Yellowstone Park bison to cattle outside the Park.   No brucellosis has spread from bison,…

  • The myth continues. You can show the livestock thugs all the evidence in the world that they are wrong and inhumane but they will forever lie. Here is this week’s update from the Buffalo Field Campaign. There is a very interesting video showing the birth of a buffalo calf where the mother consumes the entire…

  • Have Western Watersheds/Advocates for the West killed this unfair, anti-wildlife program? I guess we don’t have many Eastern Washington readers because there were no comments on our earlier article (yesterday) on this, but today’s news in the Seattle Times is very encouraging. This graze-the-state-wildlife-areas-for-free-to-help-me-politically program of the governor’s, really made us furious. Experimental Washington state…

  • No grazing on the Whisky Dick and Quilomene wildlife areas in Washington State The State of Washington has spent a lot of money trying to justify cattle grazing on wildlife management areas in the state which are comprised of lands purchased using Federal money specifically intended for wildlife habitat. The lands in the Whisky Dick…

  • Elk in Wyoming are doing well, even when you look at individual herds- The Jackson Hole News and Guide April 28 reported their analysis of the 2010 Big Game Management Summary of Wyoming Game and Fish. This article is not on-line, so I will summarize. The annual census reported almost 103,000 elk in the 27…

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