Grazing and Livestock

  • The Idaho Wool Growers Association and Shirts Brothers Sheep are suing the Idaho Fish and Game Department over an agreement that they signed in 1997 which would hold woolgrowers harmless if bighorn sheep introductions caused harm to their business. There are a number of problems with the agreement which make it unenforceable. According to the…

  • Economic woes threaten the ranching lifestyle Another article about how the custom and culture of the ranching lifestyle is under threat but this one explains what the real threat is. Not so much environmentalists or government regulation but the economy and low beef prices combined with high beef processing prices are changing the economy for…

  • 102 found dead so far in Nevada’s Ruby and Little Humboldt Mountains Pneumonia continues to kill Nevada bighorn sheep Associated Press

  • A report, dated March 16, 2010, by the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Wild Sheep Working Group, summarizes the recent outbreaks of pneumonia in bighorn sheep that have occurred in Montana, Nevada, Washington, Utah, Wyoming, and South Dakota.  Domestic sheep and goats are also known to be in close proximity to, and are…

  • This has been very minor news, but the Idaho Cattle Association and Farm Bureau have been trying to pump it into a story- They haven’t had much success, and today in the Idaho State Journal, columnist Michael H. O’Donnell slapped the livestock interests again. Best of all he relates it to the Johnson County War,…

  • Good news for a pretty, but cattle hammered basin on the Idaho/Montana border- Although those who only think about wolves suppose Federal Judge Molloy surely sides with conservation groups, he didn’t on this decision. Fortunately the 9th Circuit overturned his approval of a bad Forest Service grazing plan. Here is the story in the Montana…

  • Sheep came from Montana Disease forces DWR to kill bighorn sheep by Brett Prettyman – The Salt Lake Tribune

  • Custer State Park may just start over Park officials consider killing off entire bighorn herd Kevin Woster – Rapid City Journal Update 3/3/10 GF&P secretary: Killing off bighorns not a serious option

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