Grazing and Livestock

  • Western Watersheds new Montana office goes to work on another lawsuit- Environmentalists, outfitters file suit to end grazing in Upper Missouri River Breaks. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Note that earlier they filed to let Yellowstone bison use national forests outside of Yellowstone. This lawsuit was assigned to Judge Molloy. The bison lawsuit went to…

  • Lawsuit’s aftermath forces Idaho’s Land Board set rules allowing conservationists to lease state grazing lands- The Western Watersheds Project was born when Jon Marvel outbid a rancher at a state grazing lease auction, and the Land Board gave the lease to the rancher anyway*. Finally, Idaho’s Land Board is apparently going to let other interests…

  • After her suspension and all the evidence against her claims from the very laboratory she supervised, this is amazing. New, longer version of the story. Suspended UI prof repeats sheep claims in journal. By John Miller.  Associated Press Writer. – – – – The blog has posted many articles about Bulgin her discredited claims that…

  • Domestic Sheep/bighorn conflict is not limited to Idaho- Most of our news on this issue has been in Idaho where the Payette National Forest is about to come out with an environmental impact statement on how to protect the bighorn. This will have national effects such as described in this story about the two animals…

  • Western Watersheds Project Wins Summary Judgment on the 100,000 acre Byner Complex Allotments. BLM- This no “family ranch” but a spin-off of Freeport-McMoRan mining. Here is the WWP’s news release on the victory for the American people ♦Western Watersheds Project’s Arizona Office has been granted Summary Judgment byAdministrative Law Judge Harvey C. Sweitzer in a…

  • Comparison of two sites, Nov. 4, 2009, in the Mink Creek drainage south of Pocatello, Idaho- Mink Creek is a popular recreation area on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest, just south of Pocatello, Idaho. The first 3-4 miles have no livestock grazing. As the drainage gains slowly in elevation, it is grazed from about June 1…

  • The impact to sage grouse numbers appears to be very large The thousands and thousands of miles of barbed wire fence chopping up lands throughout the west is bad for wildlife for many reasons. Now, the impact that this installation for livestock production on public lands has to sage grouse is demonstrated in a study…

  • We’ve talked about how despite Hamburgers being the ‘Hummers’ of Food in Global Warming, and How Meat, Especially Beef Contributes to Global Warming, big agribusiness and the livestock industry flex their political muscle and are exempted from Meating the Truth every time (like on the Climate Bill). Now, a bill has just passed the U.S.…

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