Grazing and Livestock

  • This is an essay by George Wuerther on the topic whether we have to choose cows or housing development. I put it up in reponse to Wilderness Muse’s query on another post. Note: this was written in 2003. Condos or Cows? Neither! (1-20-03 edit) by © George Wuerthner Box 839 Richmond, Vermont FLAWED STRATEGY Ranching…

  • Strong evidence that aspen groves are becoming healthier with presence of wolves. Healthier aspen groves support more bird species, which may in turn help the overall health of forests. One thing mentioned in the article is that the pine beetle infestations seen throughout the west could be impacted with greater diversity and larger populations of…

  • New path essentially creates a new road near Bear Lake Rancher admits that they departed from the approved route, which had an old fenceline already cut, because they didn’t want to go through the Forest Service process of getting it changed. “It’s just completely ridiculous, the process they have,” Wamsley says. The new route cuts…

  • Domestic sheep will not return to allotment in bighorn sheep habitat. The Partridge Creek allotment in the Salmon River Canyon near Riggins is closed to domestic sheep grazing after Western Watersheds Project, The Wilderness Society, and Hells Canyon Preservation Council filed suit in Federal Court. This is a huge victory for bighorn sheep which have…

  • 23 wolves in pack killed for some reason- So far 12 wolves have been killed in Montana’s wolf hunt. It has generated a lot of controversy because most were taken in a small area just north of Yellowstone Park. Montana’s wolf hunt quota is 75. I read in the latest Montana Wolf Weekly Report today…

  • The focus has been on the bighorn sheep versus domestic sheep case, but Greta Anderson of the WWP’s Arizona office won an case before an administratrive law judge today — Western Watersheds Project v. Bureau of Land Management and intervener Byner Cattle Corporation. Here is the order. Byner Complex Order October 2009

  • Ruling protects bighorn sheep in the Salmon River Canyon. The BLM Partridge Creek Allotment has been closed to sheep grazing to protect bighorn sheep from domestic sheep disease. This is a big victory for bighorn sheep in the Salmon River Canyon. These sheep are native sheep and have seen drastic declines over the years due…

  • I’ve been traveling for the last week but while I was in Nevada I was contacted by John Miller about this story. On September 29th the meetings of the Bighorn Sheep/Domestic Sheep Advisory Board restarted after a several month hiatus.  They will continue to meet into the future. UI questions prof’s attendance at bighorn meeting…

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