Grazing and Livestock

  • The focus has been on the bighorn sheep versus domestic sheep case, but Greta Anderson of the WWP’s Arizona office won an case before an administratrive law judge today — Western Watersheds Project v. Bureau of Land Management and intervener Byner Cattle Corporation. Here is the order. Byner Complex Order October 2009

  • Ruling protects bighorn sheep in the Salmon River Canyon. The BLM Partridge Creek Allotment has been closed to sheep grazing to protect bighorn sheep from domestic sheep disease. This is a big victory for bighorn sheep in the Salmon River Canyon. These sheep are native sheep and have seen drastic declines over the years due…

  • I’ve been traveling for the last week but while I was in Nevada I was contacted by John Miller about this story. On September 29th the meetings of the Bighorn Sheep/Domestic Sheep Advisory Board restarted after a several month hiatus.  They will continue to meet into the future. UI questions prof’s attendance at bighorn meeting…

  • I found this shocking piece on the Yellowstone Net forum- Here it is. You have been warned.

  • Comparison photos are fun!

  • 3/4 of the quota was reached quickly, and all very near Yellowstone Park- Montana suspends wolf hunting near Yellowstone Park. AP Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks likes to think that a wolf hunt will decrease wolves killing livestock, but if all the wolves shot are wolves that have never even seen a cow, that argument…

  • Idaho Department of Game declines to prosecute. Aerial gunning of wolves by private individuals is strictly forbidden under the Airborne Hunting Act of 1956. Even though states are allowed to issue permits to individuals to shoot coyotes and foxes from aircraft there are no permits which allow the shooting of wolves. In Idaho, the Idaho…

  • Rare plant will receive protection across its entire range. WESTERN WATERSHEDS PROJECT NEWS RELEASE October 1, 2009 Contact: Todd Tucci, Advocates for the West (208) 342-7024 Jon Marvel, Western Watersheds Project (208) 788-2290 Katie Fite, Western Watersheds Project (208) 429-1679 SCIENCE FINALLY TRUMPS POLITICS IN PROTECTING RARE DESERT FLOWER Boise, Idaho – Conservation groups applauded…

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