Grazing and Livestock

  • Some folks certainly get a lot of helpings at the old government dinner table- Here’s the obscure news release on what seems to me an incredible program. I wonder which members of Congress were behind slipping this into the 2008 (the last Congress) Farm Bill?

  • Rocky Barker notes this morning the Western Watersheds now is busy trying to prevent the transmission of disease from domestic to wild sheep in Arizona. . . . some important additional information. WWP now has an office in Arizona. . . also an office in Montana (Missoula), and Wyoming, Utah and California. They have several…

  • Cattle are similar to people. Many don’t thrive at high altitude. A large number even die from high altitude pulmonary edema- The article below is about attempts to breed altitude resistant cattle. I’d rather see “slow elk” off  the mountain meadows at 8500 feet or higher. Cattle focus of high-altitude research in NM. By Melanie…

  • After the Marie Bulgin scandal rocked the Bighorn world many of us had hoped that the issue of disease transmission from domestic sheep to bighorn sheep might be largely resolved in the public debate.  Recent news stories suggest otherwise. Likewise, there continues to be a lot of political posturing and spinning going on. Below are…

  • Masterswarm We’ve used the examples of how heat and cold can take more livestock in a few days than wolves do in a year. In following up on our continuing efforts to highlight the absurdly disproportionate media coverage that flares up whenever news of a predator taking a few livestock happens,  I thought I’d post…

  • Selenium poisoning is becoming a major problem in SE Idaho- The number of wildlife that die is unknown. There are many abandoned and active phosphate mines in SE Idaho. A major battle to stop the expansion of one was recently lost by the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. A new state of the art mine that is…

  • The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has nearly completed its requirement to develop “Best Management Practices” (BMPs) pursuant to Idaho legislation S1232.  Public land sheep ranchers hope that the BMPs will be sufficient to dissuade the Payette National Forest from shutting down domestic sheep ranching on the Payette Forest, a move necessary to protect…

  • Western Watersheds Project sues to prevent deadly disease spread to rare desert bighorn- Western Watersheds Project has filed litigation against the US Forest Service in Arizona to prevent the trailing of domestic sheep that spread deadly disease over Forest Service lands that harbor bighorn sheep : WWP News Release : Western Watersheds Project filed suit…

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