Grazing and Livestock

  • Public lands as carbon sinks ? We’ve spoken of the potential for our public lands to act as carbon sinks. When you think about public lands and the value that these places have to serve our efforts to curb global climate change I’d like you to consider a new idea that is as old as dirt…

  • One, possibly more, bighorn sheep to be killed. Update 5/31/09: It gets worse. Sick, wandering bighorn trailed near Salmon River. Idaho Statesman. A bighorn sheep ram has interacted with domestic sheep on private property upriver from Riggins, Idaho and is reported to be sick. It is now associated with several other bighorn sheep. IDFG officials…

  • Central Idaho threatened/endangered fish habitat is threatened by public land livestock grazing.  Federal managers drag their feet.  WWP threatens to file suit. Many folk don’t realize the impact to native fisheries habitat that livestock grazing can and does have.  The Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and other land and wildlife management agencies work diligently to avoid…

  • Last Thursday, Montana Department of Livestock chased/hazed/harassed/played ‘cowboy’ with a mother buffalo and her calf, despite the broken leg the calf sustained – all on behalf of Livestock’s stranglehold over our public land and wildlife management..

  • Bison hazed to make way for livestock grazing Like a broken record, year after year – Yellowstone Park officials, Gallatin National Forest officials, and Montana Department of Livestock officials – all contribute to the inhumane hazing and killing of America’s last genetically wild bison, all to enable livestock ranchers – on your federal public land…

  • BLM Resource Management Litigation hits “World News” Update May 13:  The Salt Lake Tribune publishes an important Editorial on the recent news: Saving sage grouse : A funny-looking bird that fluffs its feathers to dance an elaborate mating rite just might be able to accomplish what well-funded environmental groups have been struggling to do for…

  • Judge B Lynne Winmill ruled in favor of Western Watersheds Project ordering that the group’s comprehensive challenge of over 16 Resource Management Plans, directing management of over 30 million acres, can be litigated in his single court. Resource Management Plans (RMPs) guide management of livestock grazing, off road vehicles, energy development, and other potentially environmentally…

  • Once it was a luxury. Too bad for us it didn’t stay that way- Paying a Price for Loving Red Meat. By Jane E. Brody. New York Times.

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