Grazing and Livestock

  • Potent greenhouse gas (methane) from mega-feedlots could become fuel rather than fueling global warming- Idaho’s energy czar wants to harness power of manure. By The Associated Press Southern Idaho is full of vast stinky livestock feedlots (dairy and beef). Here is one way to amelioate the situation

  • George Wuerthner wrote a letter to the editor making a great point about the double-standard regarding livestock/wolf conflicts – especially on public lands : In our national parks it’s illegal to leave out picnic baskets because it will lead to human-bear conflicts. To save bears, humans are fined if they fail to put away food.…

  • This NPR story is about getting rid of cattle genes in bison- Bison are Back, but can they Survive. By Jacqueline Froelich. NPR

  • Mark Rey recently issued a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) requiring the Forest Service to test bighorn sheep for disease before the federal government allows states to transplant wild sheep on Forest lands.  As one might guess, this move chafes at state wildlife managers’ long-held claim to exclusive management of wildlife. It’s angering bighorn advocates & environmentalists…

  • End of year donations will keep Western Watersheds Project going strong ! WWP is funded by the financial contributions of our members, and without your help we could not carry out our critically important and successful work to protect and restore western watersheds and wildlife. Nothing speaks more clearly than a good photograph about why…

  • On W, the environmental Scrooge Balance Nature, Eat a Fetus. Related to the second story above is an interesting one I heard today. A  friend of mine reported to a livestock operator family that their heifer was stuck in a cattle guard. Their sympathetic response, “I guess we’ll have hamburger tonight.” One anecdote doesn’t prove…

  • Hopefully this tax is not just a rumor- Farmer’s Freak about Potential ‘Cow Tax’ on Cows’ Methane Emission. WWP blog. Methane is 26 times as potent a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide and cows belch and fart a tremendous amount of it. Feedlots could capture it, however, and turn it into much less polluting energy…

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