Grazing and Livestock

  • I found this today on the blog 43rd State Blues. Apparently the documentary soon turned to the “experts” — whining ranchers — our Idaho feudal landlords. There was a link to PBS. At the link it read: “WOLVES IN PARADISE is a tale of survival in the soaring mountains and majestic valleys of southwest Montana,…

  • Washington governor’s program to put cows on state wildlife areas results in a second serious injury- A second man has taken a fall while building fence for the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. Family asks for help after man is paralyzed in canyon fall – Susan Perez said she had been fearful for…

  • Early resurrection planned in the next Congress- Although it was supposed to move in the lame duck session, that session fizzles and the bill was pulled under threat of filibuster by Tom Coburn (R-OK). Senator Reid, the major leader, has announced that an unrevised version of the massive public land bill (pieces of public lands…

  • Water developments for cows are beaten back- Water developments on public lands may sound good, but the reality is they are almost always intended to increase grazing of livestock. These encasements, troughs, tanks, and pipelines do not benefit wildlife. Instead they often turn a spring, or an area of small springs or seeps, full of…

  • Rocky Barker takes note : Two months before Obama’s inauguration, cattle ranchers declare a new ‘War on the West?’ This aggressive political posture in response to the prospect of change has been characteristic of livestock associations throughout the West since the beginning of their history.  The survival of their influence, relative to the public’s interest…

  • This winter begins like last with cougars on campus- The cougars haven’t harmed anyone, but, of course, their presence on campus worries people. The following announcement came over Idaho State University email Nov. 4. Idaho Fish and Game officials have set a cougar trap on campus after a possible sighting Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 4.  The…

  • George Wuerthner asks:  Is Ranching Sustainable ?  (As featured on Red State Rebels) In case you didn’t guess; it’s a rhetorical question.  The article also appears in Western Watersheds Project’s Fall ’08 Watersheds Messenger be

  • Oh, what a comparison! Last October a number of us visited the Lost River Ranger District in an area called Pine Creek. We went with the district ranger and the Supervisory Range Conservationist. It was pretty embarrassing. Some of the awful photos went up on Google Earth. End of 2007 grazing season in an unnamed…

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