Grazing and Livestock

  • This is an insightful look at the implications of the recent U.S. Climate Change Science Program’s report by one of Wyoming’s leading rangeland experts. High Noon On The Range. By Deb Donahue.

  • Another cow has been found to be infected with brucellosis costing the state of Montana its brucellosis-free status : Sick Cow Costs Montana Its Brucellosis-Free Status – Mathew Brown – AP The cow in question was among a herd in Paradise Valley south of Livingston. NewWest’s coverage reveals the state’s astonishment : Montana veterinarian Marty…

  • The New York Times details a recent lawsuit filed yesterday by environmentalists to stop the feedlot-like conditions of the National Elk Refuge in Wyoming. Suit Opposes Elk Feeding in Wyoming – New York Times. By Jim Robbins. The spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) threatens wildlife given its recent proximity to the “refuge” and is…

  • In Montana, bison plan paused. Ranchers and conservationists are increasingly at odds, as Yellowstone herd numbers plunge. By Todd Wilkinson. Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor. Actually, I think the genetically pure bison is now in danger of extinction and should be added to the endangered species list.

  • In response to recent E. coli outbreaks, corporate buyers are pushing California farmers to rid their fields of all wildlife and wild vegetation – despite the fact that this could make the food supply even less safe. Link to Fields of overkill. WESTERN ROUNDUP. By Li Miao Lovett. High Country News. You may to subscribe…

  • Earlier in Oil & Gas eyes your public lands I asked a question of Interior’s plans to “solve” America’s energy woes by opening up vast public lands to the oil & gas industry : Are energy reserves that may or may not be accessible on your public lands worth the cost to wildlife, our environmental…

  • For those of you with a Harper’s Magazine subscription, you’re in for a treat with Christopher Ketcham’s article They shoot buffalo, don’t they: Hazing America’s last wild herd in Harper’s most recent edition. Ketcham gets it right again. For those of you, like myself, who don’t have a subscription to the publication, get on down…

  • The oil & gas and livestock industries continue to feel the pressure from land use agencies as the evidence piles up indicating that these extractive uses of our public lands are significantly contributing to the precipitous decline in sage grouse numbers. Sage grouse are described as the “spotted owl” of the ranching industry in the…

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