Grazing and Livestock

  • Massive bighorn sheep die-off in Montana. WWP blog. Once again, domestic sheep have destroyed a bighorn sheep herd.

  • Owyhee Canyonlands protections back before Congress. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman

  • Ranchers face charges after 34 elk shot dead. By AMY HAMILTON. Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. “Two Northwest Colorado ranchers, apparently frustrated by foraging elk eating hay intended for livestock, now face thousands of dollars in fines and multiple felony charges for allegedly killing 34 elk.”

  • Ranchers worry about meat packing consolidation. Rocky Barker’s blog, “Letters from the West.” Idaho Statesman So much of politics is about diverting the attention of those affected by policies onto something not very relevant. The wolf is pointed to in order that hunters won’t see the destruction of habitat by livestock, mining, oil and gas…

  • Ranch agrees to end grazing near Park. Depredations pushed Diamond G to accept deal on federal land. Ranch agrees to end grazing near park. Billings Gazette. By Mike Stark. This is great news! While it hasn’t been in the news much lately, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, this ranch was a hot spot…

  • Although articles about the now-shuttered Jerritt Canyon mine have said it was the worst mercury polluter in the United States, a more recent article says that 6 other Nevada gold mines pump out more mercury into the air, with Barrick Goldstrick mine (a huge series of pits) alone putting out 30 times as much as…

  • The President of Westland/Hallmark Meat testified to Congress that he got sick viewing the secret video of his employees maltreated sick cows so they could be slaughtered. He reluctantly said the sick meat got into the food supply. The video prompted the largest meat recall in U.S. History. Story in the New York Times. Meat…

  • A coalition of conservation organizations and individuals is calling on Congress to de-fund Wildlife Services [Killers] Predator Eradication Program. This directly confronting attempts of the livestock industry to gain more money for Predator Control. Read the exceptional letter the coalition sent to congresspeople linked to at the end of this Press Release, the other links…

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