Grazing and Livestock

  • 2007 fire conditions are off the charts Officials are finding it difficult to predict fire behavior because this year’s data don’t fit any model. Experts say climate change is a big part of this season’s extremes. By Rocky Barker, Idaho Statesman. Busy Week for Fires in Northern Rockies. Record-Breaking Fire Season? New West. By David…

  • Western Watersheds Project has been taking some heat from Idaho state legislator Bert Brackett – not to mention his politicians in Washington. Here is Western Watersheds Project’s response. And here is a picture of a sign erected in WWP’s honor near what remains of the Murphy Complex Fire. Added Aug. 10. The Idaho Fires were…

  • Western Governors yesterday held a press conference to declare war on cheatgrass. I can’t help but think back to an article on NewWest describing the importance of words when considering conservation politics – politics in general. We’ve got a good idea how politicians in cowboy suits conduct their perpetual wars. Now it’s been declared in…

  • WWPblog has a story about many of the threats to sage grouse. Here’s a link to the West Nile concerns This just goes to show how important rehab efforts after the fire will be to get these birds, and a host of other wildlife, proper habitat. Siberian wheat-grass, another non-native very similar to Crested Wheat,…

  • The Salt Lake Tribute describes the stifling conditions ranchers are finding themselves in. The fire and drought are coming down hard right as the price of feed stretches just beyond many’s reach. This ought to give buy-outs a new breath. While smaller operations engage in hard to swallow realities about the conditions on the land,…

  • This is about the news conference these three had yesterday. It’s on the WWP blog with a short video of an especially revealing segment. Story in the Idaho Statesman. Idaho politicians blast federal fire management. By Heath Druzin. The dynamic trio didn’t get quite the spin they may have expected in the Statesman. Update. LTE…

  • The photos (from Western Watersheds project).

  • This is from the Western Watersheds Project blog. I’m not a great enthusiast for feral horses, although they are lovely to watch . . . prettier than cows. The horses can lead to overgrazing, but they are usually not the real culprit because the BLM does keep their numbers down, a minor factor compared to…

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