Grazing and Livestock

  • -Important update. See the June 12 story on bison- I don’t like to step on the story that federal Judge Winmill just overturned Bush’s bastardized BLM rules because it is the more important story, but folks will probably be more likely to read that Montana has doublecrossed folks and captured the bison and sent the…

  • An Idaho federal judge has slapped down the Dept. of Interior’s proposed new grazing regulations which would have greatly limited public comment and public oversight of grazing on hundreds of millions of acres of BLM land. They would have also greatly weakened the standards grazers are supposed to be held to while telling the public…

  • Jason Kauffman wrote a fine story on Copper Basin, a beautiful mountain valley hemmed in between the Pioneer and White Knob Mountains about 20 miles east of Hailey, Idaho. Copper Basin could be Idaho’s Lamar Valley with similar wildlife, and even better scenery, but it has a big problem . . . cows, lots of…

  • Governor Brian Schweitzer, along with Bill Hedstrom, Chair of the Board of Livestock and Christian Mackay, new Executive Officer of the Department of Livestock today called an emergency meeting of the Board of Livestock in light of 7 Montana cows testing positive for the disease brucellosis last week. “This is a very serious issue for…

  • Wow this talk about coyotes and livestock, coming out of Wyoming just doesn’t stop. “Battling the wily coyote.” By Jeff Gearino. Southwest Wyoming Bureau Casper Star Tribune. The article is written from the viewpoint of “predator management supervisor” Rod Merrell. In the article Merrell keeps saying the coyotes are incredibly smart. That’s because we have…

  • Reporter Jeff Gearino and others have written a series of articles in the last few days about the $6-million the Wyoming legislature just put into state-funded predator control. That is a sudden infusion of big money, and I wonder what it’s really about? This is money on top of that appropriated by Congress for the…

  • While this article is a bit repetitive, it shows the evolution of the controversy. The Paradise Valley, in particular the Emigrant cattle ranch, seems not be the source of brucellosis. Some still suspect elk from somewhere, but some are thinking it came from infected cattle from somewhere else. Some folks who have posted have suggested…

  • This was posted at Carnivore Conservation blog. It links to the latest data (in papers). It is from a 2004 symposium, which was badly needly because the publicly available information was a decade old. About the recovery of the Black-footed Ferret. (corrected link) Like the wolf, the ferret’s endangered status is the result of the…

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