Invasive Species

  • This method of hunting is rather difficult to enforce. “You’re not going to have some bubba up there going, `Pass me a beer and ammo’ and hunting some hogs,” the legislator said. “We certainly want to do it right.” Many are concerned that the temptation to shoot other animals by some who might engage in…

  • Your Comments Are Needed by March 3, 2009! Wild bighorn sheep are native to North America, and once numbered in the millions. But their numbers have drastically declined to just a few thousand. The biggest threat wild bighorns face is disease from domestic sheep. Most experts agree that when wild and domestic sheep come into…

  • The Subsidized Destruction of the American West Continues. $1.35 per AUM The Federal grazing fee for 2009 will be $1.35 per animal unit month (AUM) for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and $1.35 per head month (HM) for lands managed by the Forest Service. The grazing fee for 2009 is the…

  • We have talked a lot about knapweed on this forum because of its negative consequences for wildlife habitat. Biocontrol has been pushed as an alternative to herbicides, but this is bad news. “ScienceDaily (Sep. 5, 2008) — Biocontrol agents, such as insects, are often released outside of their native ranges to control invasive plants.” Read…

  • Pine beetle infestation impacting salmon runs. Derrick Penner, Vancouver Sun. Just a reminder to those politicians and others who say we need a rapid plan to save the pines in Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, etc. The pine beetle infestation covers the pine forests from Alaska south to northern New Mexico. It will have varying impacts such…

  • In a Warmer Yellowstone Park, a Shifting Environmental Balance By Jim Robbins. New York Times. This is really about the spread in the Lamar Valley of what is usually regarded as a noxious weed (I certainly hate it) — the Canada thistle. It seems grizzly bears and pocket gophers love it, and the griz, ever…

  • Pythons could squeeze lower third of USA. USA Today. By Elizabeth Weise

  • The supposed highly negative effect of wolves on the elk populations in the upper Clearwater River area of North Central Idaho has long been a talking point by Idaho Fish and Game and a number of local hunting organizations and public officials. I predicted wolves would be blamed when the elk population dropped off in…

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