Invasive Species

  • One of the problems with Christopher Columbus style ranching. You put them out in the spring then “discover” them in the winter. Poor animal husbandry in remote areas can lead to all kinds of problems for ranchers, cattle, wildlife, and habitat alike. It’s just one reason that these Great Basin desert areas are unsuitable for…

  • Nevada ‘Carp Rodeo’ aims to cull invasive species. Associated Press

  • The role livestock plays spreading wildlife harming weeds in the Rockies should be obvious- Livestock–the elephant in the room when it comes to weeds. By George Wuerthner. New West. – – – – – My comments: Weeds are of great harm to ungulates. Rangeland cattle in particular are culprits. They cause bare patches of soil…

  • Burmese pythons, an exotic invasive snake, is raising a ruckus in the Everglades- Pythons are just one of many exotics, mostly released pets, that are destroying the Everglades’ orginal ecosystem, but oddly, making it a weird and interesting place. Pythons in Florida Stalked by Hunters and Tourists Alike. By Damien Cave. New York Times.

  • Lake at the base of Steens Mountain to be poisoned and restocked with trout- Goldfish invade Eastern Oregon trout lake. Associated Press

  • Good or bad, they’re everywhere. Introductions of rainbow trout have caused the extinction of many species and are one of the primary reasons that inland sub-species of cutthroat in the western US have declined, or in some cases become entirely extinct. The Yellowfin, Waha Lake, and Alvord cutthroats, of Colarado Idaho, and Oregon respectively, have…

  • Park hopes to reduce invasive trout species The only native trout in Yellowstone National Park are Yellowstone and Westslope Cutthroat, and Arctic Grayling. Over the years those species have been reduced in population due to competition, predation, and hybridization due to other introduced trout. Lake trout, brown trout, and rainbow trout have become well established…

  • This could be very bad news for the Great Lakes The U.S. Supreme Court has decided not to allow Michigan’s request to close a lock which would keep Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes. The whole case has not been decided yet so there may still be hope. Court won’t close shipping locks to…

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