
  • Law to help logging communities after the spotted owl-induced logging reductions now pours money into areas where there have never been spotted owls- Timber law becomes vast entitlement. By Matthew Daly and Shannon Dinninny. Associated Press Writers

  • Forest fire prevention? Thinning? Maximize size of individual tress? Leave it alone? It’s hard to say The article below is related to the one posted about “Sen. Udall sponsors bill to attack pine beetles.” It’s good to finally see some attention to the role of forests as carbon sinks, but it is not clear how…

  • Brian Peck Excoriates Senator Tester’s “Wilderness” Bill And The “Environmental” Groups Who Support It. He explains that the “bill would set aside just over 600,000 acres of Wilderness, withdraw current protection from nearly 250,000 acres, and require that 100,000 acres be made available for logging and roading in an already fractured landscape.” Senator Tester Betrays…

  • Is this a move away from Obama’s previous commitment to the Clinton Roadless Rule ? In May, the Obama administration announced its intention to give Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack top level oversight over incursions into roadless areas.  The move was said to be Obama’s re-commitment to the Clinton Roadless Rule. Obama administration inches away…

  • More fallout on the costs to conservation Montana Senator Jon Tester’s new Logging Bill (couched in “W”ilderness designation) may have to Montana’s wildlife. Collateral damage: Experts wonder what Tester’s bill may kill Missoula Independent While much of the critique coming from conservationists focuses on the negative impact of the logging on other-than-wilderness public lands of…

  • More controversy has been in the news concerning what has been framed the Beaverhead-Deerlodge “W“ilderness bill in Montana. Paul Richards has taken a candid approach to the spread of this nominal Wilderness in Montana – he’s calling it what it just as fairly might be called, a logging bill :  Why Does Jon Tester Want…

  • 8.8 miles of new road are involved in what was once a roadless area. “Just building the road will cost four times as much revenue as the Forest Service is going to get from the timber sale,” said Waldo of Earthjustice. Ketchikan mill is awarded Orion North timber Deal marks first timber sale in roadless…

  • Bush policy on the issue called “train wreck,” “unfixable”- Spotted-owl recovery gets another look from Obama administration. By Warren Cornwall. Seattle Times environment reporter “The Obama administration signaled Tuesday that it wants to scrap a controversial Bush-era plan for spotted-owl recovery, asking a federal district court judge to let them rewrite it, rather than defend…

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