Grijalva steps up to the plate and goes to bat against another Bush Interior “midnight regulation” aimed at looting sacred water for the Peabody Western Coal Company while tribes perform spiritual ceremonies. Dang, if you listen close – that sounds like a John Prine endorsement to me !
This is a big issue in Pocatello and the southern part of the Greater Yellowstone- Environmental groups want E. Idaho mine injunction. AP. Idaho Statesman. It’s a classic jobs versus obvious, long lasting environmental damage spread over a wide area issue. The major environmental issue is not the pit but the spreading leakage of selenium…
Restoring old mining claims to the public- Old mining claims have a nasty tendency to become remote, jarring, difficult-to-service trophy homes. For years the Trust for Public Lands has helped move old mining claims (federal lands that were privatized and perhaps mined at one time) back into the public estate. John Miller of the Associated…
Beware, the long nightmare is not over yet- The New York Times describes and warns of anti-public land and anti-conservation actions underway or contemplated by the worst Administration in American history (my view) in their last 2 1/2 months in office. Last-Minute Mischief. Editorial by the New York Times. – – – – – Examples…
Formerly polluted creek near Butte, Montana now has trout- Few creeks were as polluted by mining as Silver Bow Creek near Butte, but after about a century trout, some as big as 18 inches are back. Associated Press story. After a century, trout return to Silver Bow Creek, Montana
Palin and the gold mine above Bristol Bay- Salah Palin may have violated state law when she tried to divorce herself from the fact that she was governor to register her opposition to a ballot referendum designed to kill the Pebble Mine. She basically endorsed the controversial Pebble mine that could destroy the world class…
Mercury-emitting mine in Nevada shuts down. “The owner of the mine just reported big losses. The operation sent tons of the toxic metal into Idaho’s air before a Boise activist pushed officials into cracking down.” By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman.
Elk City is a very remote small town in north central, Idaho. It is 40 miles up the South Fork of the Clearwater River Canyon from Grangeville (no facilities between them). Despite its remote location, the local streams were badly damaged by placer mining years ago. Mining companies don’t placer mine much any more. They…