
  • Bush policy on the issue called “train wreck,” “unfixable”- Spotted-owl recovery gets another look from Obama administration. By Warren Cornwall. Seattle Times environment reporter “The Obama administration signaled Tuesday that it wants to scrap a controversial Bush-era plan for spotted-owl recovery, asking a federal district court judge to let them rewrite it, rather than defend…

  • Channels Bush and adds a presidential signing statement- Updates to 4-2. State specific information added at end of post There was much rejoicing as the President signed the Omnibus Public Lands Bill, usually and incorrectly called the giant new “wilderness bill.” It does add 2-million acres to the National Wilderness Preservation System, but it does…

  • Dan Brister of Buffalo Field Campaign was featured on Montana’s Public Radio March 27, 2009 with this audio essay

  • Group calls for the arrest and prosecution of the suspects- Two of the members of Washington State’s first known wolf pack have been killed by poachers. The suspected poachers are known and live in Twisp, Washington. The wolf pack lives outside of the area where the federal government is trying to delist wolves. They are…

  • Check out this graphic.

  • Yesterday I posted a review (with a little help from the Idaho Attorney General’s Office) about Idaho Senate Bill 1124, an anti-wildlife bill sponsored by rancher Monty Pearce that seeks to punish bighorn-sheep conservation efforts. Today, the Idaho state Senate Resources & Environment Committee considered another anti-bighorn sheep attempt.  RS18882 was draft legislation, introduced to…

  • A Review of Idaho Senate Bill 1124 Earlier I wrote about a member of the Idaho legislator and livestock rancher, Monty Pearce, who has recently taken aim at bighorn sheep conservation and restoration efforts in response to a sheepman’s call for special treatment from the Idaho legislature.  This after the Payette National Forest’s proposal to drastically reduce his…

  • Is it a huge predator with big fangs and claws? The Most Dangerous Animal of Grand Canyon National Park. Christian Espanol. (Boise, ID)

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