
  • Are RVs viable in a time when their builders may go bankrupt, gas prices can skyrocket, and seniors lose their retirement funds? The RV’s last roundup. Salon Magazine. By Mark Schone, with additional research by Ben Travers

  • Wolf population has dropped by 27% in Yellowstone. Distemper devastates Yellowstone wolves. Powell Tribune

  • Mimulus patulus Occurence & Habitat Springs and seeps are unique habitats that occur where subterranean water emerges from an aquifer. In the semi-arid and arid west, these unique sources of water are particularly important ‘oasis’ habitats for wildlife, especially during drought and heat.  Their relatively consistent temperatures and chemistry provides for  “hotspots” of biological diversity – many of the more fragile…

  • Five crossings by grizzlies in 1996 have grown to 177 last summer- Grizzlies using highway crossings. By Cathy Ellis. Rocky Mountain Outlook. They clearly are working. It would be nice if some of stimulus money here in the U.S. went into wildlife crossings. They are as shovel ready as other highway projects.

  • I’m glad we answered that question. Wolves brucellosis-free. By Angus M. Thuermer Jr. Jackson Hole News and Guide

  • WILDLANDS CONSERVANCY: It brokered a BLM deal to protect the desert acres that are now being opened to development. Group sees ‘violation of trust’ By JANET ZIMMERMAN The Press-Enterprise

  • Our own KT quoted in New York Times! Obama admin faces power grid vs. public lands conundrum. By Scott Streater. New York Times.

  • New geothermal plant in Utah will send 7 megawatts of power to California- This is what should not be done. Seven megawatts, relatively speaking, is nothing. Most coal and nuclear plants are built in 300 to 1000 megawatt units. At any rate, small sources like this should be used locally. One good thing about this…

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