
  • Small Wyoming gopher only exists in a small area where it is outnumbered by oil wells. Endangered or threatened? Feds review pocket gopher protection request Casper Star Tribune

  • “Boulder Bunnies” or “Rock Rabbits” are Under Threat from Global Warming U.S. agrees to consider protections for pikas San Francisco Chronicle “Surveys in the Great Basin show that more than one-third of the populations are disappearing”

  • Although this essay is international in scope, it being written about a river in Britain, it gets at the heart of a tension among environmental issues coming to a head in so many localities all over the West – all over the world.  Paul Kingsnorth hits the point in a way that many activists have…

  • The Wall Street Journal Reports on a study that indicates a new grid could cost $100 billion. This article says that 15,000 miles of new transmission lines would be required and that federal intervention might be used due to lawsuits. New Grid for Renewable Energy Could Be Costly – My feeling is that we might want…

  • Bush Administration Had Opened 110,000 Acres Near Pristine Areas to Energy Exploration- Interior Secretary Cancels Leases on Federal Land in Utah. Bush Administration Had Opened 110,000 Acres Near Pristine Areas to Energy Exploration.By Juliet Eilperin.Washington Post Staff Writer. April Clauson reported this in a comment earlier. Above is the full story. – – – –…

  • Incident creates a row over Wyoming Outfitters and Guides- Eagle killer fined $7,560. Outfitter will keep his license but won’t guide on the Bridger-Teton. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole News and Guide.

  • Gas development makes small rural town and surrounding area full of unhealthy air- DEQ issues ozone alert for Pinedale. By Jeff Gearino. Casper Star Tribune.

  • Thurston County Superior Court has ruled in favor of Dr. Steve Herman and Western Watersheds Project deciding that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) violated the State Environmental Protection Act when issuing grazing permits on its state wildlife areas without undergoing environmental analysis.  The state and Washington Cattleman’s Association had claimed that such…

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