
  • Ft. McMurry Catholic Bishop joins with others in condemning what some say is the most environmentally damaging project on the planet- Bishop spurns oilsands development.  Roman Catholic leader wants environmental concerns addressed; industry welcomes debate. Edmonton Journal.

  • Big news because this forest is so scenic, recreational and wildlife important- With the growth in use of off-road vehicles, the travel plan for each national forest has become a bigger and more important decision. After a number of years of work and rounds of public input the Bridger-Teton National Forest in NW Wyoming has…

  • Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick Rahall wants hard rock mines to pay royalties- Despite Obama’s seeming lack of interest in mining reform (probably due to prompting from Harry Reid), the chair of the House Natural Resources Committee is not detered. Story in the Salt Lake Tribune. Report: Time for hard-rock mining companies to pay up.…

  • Fewer than 50 now? Gray wolf’s shooting death under investigation. Associated Press. KSWT News This program simply has to undergo great revision by the new leadership at USFWS (this leadership has not yet been announced). Feds: Mexican gray wolf plan needs updating. By Susan Montoya Bryan. Associated Press.

  • This article suggests the energy stimulus will be mostly green and decentralized- I’m not sure how the author of this article (Richard Martin) knows this, but he says the part of the stimulus directed specifically at energy will consist mostly of community based activities, retrofitting, energy efficiency and the like. I add that this kind…

  • Announces two policies that will speed efficient and less CO2 emitting vehicles- Obama to Take Steps On Car Fuel Efficiency. By Juliet Eilperin and Steven Mufson. Washington Post Staff Writers

  • Kathie Olsen, a Bush climate change denier in the National Science Foundation “burrows” into a civil service position. A Loyal Bushie Burrows Into Obama’s System By Elana Schor Talking Points Memo

  • Op-Ed. By Stephany J. Seay. Buffalo Field Campaign. West Yellowstone, Montana GNF Supervisor Mary Erickson’s morbid sense of humor claims renewal of the Department of Livestock’s permit for the Horse Butte bison trap is a “tool of tolerance.”  It certainly fits with Governor Schweitzer’s interpretation of “more tolerance” for wild bison; all we’ve seen from…

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