
  • Mark Rey recently issued a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) requiring the Forest Service to test bighorn sheep for disease before the federal government allows states to transplant wild sheep on Forest lands.  As one might guess, this move chafes at state wildlife managers’ long-held claim to exclusive management of wildlife. It’s angering bighorn advocates & environmentalists…

  • It’s still awful- BLM backtracks on more drilling leases. Industry and environmentalists aren’t happy with it. By Judy Fahys. Salt Lake Tribune. Added Dec. 14. Imagine if President Bush, on his last day in office, invited his friends to lift the Lincoln portrait from the White House Dining Room, take the 18th- century furniture from…

  • End of year donations will keep Western Watersheds Project going strong ! WWP is funded by the financial contributions of our members, and without your help we could not carry out our critically important and successful work to protect and restore western watersheds and wildlife. Nothing speaks more clearly than a good photograph about why…

  • Steven Chu, a physicist, will be energy secretary. Lisa P. Jackson, from New Jersey environmental protection will head the E.P.A.- Story from the New York Times. Obama Team Set on Environment. By John M. Broder. Carol Browner, head of the EPA under Clinton may get the new climate post. – – – – more Nancy…

  • On W, the environmental Scrooge Balance Nature, Eat a Fetus. Related to the second story above is an interesting one I heard today. A  friend of mine reported to a livestock operator family that their heifer was stuck in a cattle guard. Their sympathetic response, “I guess we’ll have hamburger tonight.” One anecdote doesn’t prove…

  • An opinion in the LA Times by Terry Tempest Williams- Oil lays waste to the West. The greed, speed and scale of development in wild lands is an open wound on America. By Terry Tempest Williams. Opinion. Los Angeles Times. December 7, 2008. – – – – – My comment. The lease sale set for…

  • Hopefully this tax is not just a rumor- Farmer’s Freak about Potential ‘Cow Tax’ on Cows’ Methane Emission. WWP blog. Methane is 26 times as potent a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide and cows belch and fart a tremendous amount of it. Feedlots could capture it, however, and turn it into much less polluting energy…

  • I found this today on the blog 43rd State Blues. Apparently the documentary soon turned to the “experts” — whining ranchers — our Idaho feudal landlords. There was a link to PBS. At the link it read: “WOLVES IN PARADISE is a tale of survival in the soaring mountains and majestic valleys of southwest Montana,…

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