
  • Elk feedlots spread disease – including chronic wasting disease.  The National Elk Refuge wouldn’t be such a tourist attraction with the lot suffering a widespread infection. Wildlife disease debate: To act or to react? – Jackson Hole News & Guide Wyoming only monitors spread of chronic wasting disease while some call for action.

  • The Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) sent a 60-day Notice of Intent to sue the Department of Interior over its decision to list Polar Bears under the Endangered Species Act.  From PLF’s News Release: The PLF letter is filed on behalf of ranching and forestry interests that, along with employers nationwide and the economy in general,…

  • Joan McCarter looks at some of Wyoming’s recent strategies to protect sage grouse, avoid ESA listing of Sage grouse to keep Oil & Gas happy. Grousing Around Is the sage grouse the 21st century’s spotted owl? – NewWest

  • Rocky Barker: White says climate change worse on range than ranching. Idaho Statesman. I thought this might be joke. RM Certainly a lesson in bad logic. Of course, a nearby supernova would be worse than climate change; duh. White, of course, is trying to argue that conservationists should spend more time working on climate change…

  • More of Turner’s bison die in anthrax outbreak. By The Associated Press

  • Southeast Idaho officials approve a big wind energy farm. AP “Construction of a 150-turbine wind farm on 20,000 acres along Wolverine Canyon [Blackfoot Mountains] has been approved by Bingham County commissioners.” The turbines would be 490 feet tall!! I wonder if there are any taller ones anywhere? This project is remaking some traditional political alliances…

  • We have been writing about his since 2006 on this blog. Recently, I linked to a site I named “How Now, Mad Cow“on my blogroll. RM Mysterious, fatal disease bound for elk feedgrounds. A cousin of mad cow, chronic wasting disease is a worry for Jackson Hole’s wildlife economy. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News…

  • Big Oil’s biggest quarter ever: $51.5B in all. By John Porretto. AP Business Writer. So far Speaker Pelsosi has kept nervous Democrats in line on big oil’s plan’s to use the high price of gasoline to gain leases in fragile off and on-shore public lands. The counterattack should be easy. The headline above shows the…

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