
  • Outrageous giveaway to public land ranchers in Utah proposed. By Dawn House. The Salt Lake Tribune

  • When a lot of folk think about public lands and the value of these places to serve our efforts to curb global climate change they think development. They think of wind farms or solar arrays. If you think about it you can’t really blame them, that’s all they’ve had to think about – with the…

  • Utah BLM isn’t responding to the needs of sportsmen. By Dan Potts, Chris Thomas and Joel Webster. Salt Lake Tribune. That’s because the BLM has been directed to focus on energy more than ever (it’s not they did much for wildlife or recreation in the past).

  • Washington state’s governor Christine Gregoire (Democrat) open up critical wildlife lands purchased by the state to cattle grazing as a political deal — an effort to strengthen her reelection chances in a part of the state where she is a weak. This much needed article in the Seattle Times makes that very clear. What the…

  • There has been some discussion about the rise in recent gas prices and its effect on public support to drill on public lands.  Polls are being tossed around and their results are as diverse as the questions – mostly we’ve seen Oil Industry sponsored polls suggesting widespread support for more drilling. Ralph has suggested that…

  • Energy efficiency is the core climate change solution. Joseph Romm. Grist Magazine. It is also the least expensive source of new energy, and it is the primary method by which demand will be satisfied regardless of all the talk and action about drilling or alternative fuels, just as was the case during the 1970s energy…

  • Rocky Barker writes how the Blue Ribbon Coalition (an off-road vehicle lobby) doesn’t like the new Smokey the Bear ad that says ATVs can start wildfires. This is true. Such fires happen all the time. So do dirt bikes and full-sized vehicles that travel over dry grass. I started one once with my truck is…

  • “The industrial takeover of the West is not about oil or the price of gasoline at the pump. Domestic oil production, in fact, has suffered from a shell game. Nearly all the drilling on public lands is, in fact, about methane: natural gas. The booty at the wellhead is methane and stockholder cash.” Natural gas…

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