
  • We’ve seen this heedless rush to oil shale before, just ahead of the inevitable bust. By Senator Ken Salazar. Salt Lake Tribune (reprinted from the Washington Post). Salazar is a U.S. Senator from Colorado, the state where much of the oil shale lies.

  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 15, 2008 CONTACT: Brent Fenty 541-330-2638 Jon Marvel 208-788-2290 Ninth Circuit orders Bureau of Land Management to evaluate wilderness values on public lands PORTLAND, ORE. — The Bureau of Land Management must rewrite its land use plan for southeast Oregon due to a landmark decision from the Ninth Circuit Court of…

  • The following “guest essay” in New West is by Dr. Chad Hanson,  a Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of California at Davis. My view is that the logging industry has always used forest fires to try to stampede people into supporting policies that are bad for the forests, the environment, and most people except…

  • Ten environmentalist groups are stepping up to the plate and litigating BLM’s decision to allow drilling of one of so many of the West’s beautiful public lands recently put up to the chopping block : Enviros sue to block Roan drilling leases – Denver Business Journal

  • The Conservation Reserve Project has removed many millions of marginal and sub-marginal lands from agricultural production over the last 20 years or so. It has had an enormous beneficial effect on water quality and wildlife habitat in some places. Southeast Idaho, where I live is one of the most important places to benefit. On the…

  • The New Colonialism. Our Forest Legacy. The Flathead Beacon. The Plum Creek matter is a growing issue. Here is another article. George Wuerthner recommended a link to this article.

  • Robert Hoskins, one of the best informed people who post to this web site, is, of course, active writing in many publications. Recently he had a good LTE to the Billings Gazette. Brucellosis management has utterly failed. In Google News comments, he follows up on the Montana brucellosis in great detail. There Is No Scientific…

  • Read this. You can find it at Thomas Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – S. 3211 To amend the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007, to clarify eligibility for livestock indemnity payments. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 26, 2008 Mr. BAUCUS…

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